
Should i choose the very white color?

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My front tooth is broken, i am gonna fix it with bonding and reshape all my front tooth. doctor told me that he can put for me any color level i like, but i am confused now, do you think it is beautiful to be very white? there will be difference in color with my other tooth? what you think? anyone having bonding experience before?




  1. It needs to blend very well with your other teeth. It will be very very noticible if you get the very white. So leave it to the dentist doing the work to match your other teeth.

    You don't want everyone's eyes immediately going to your teeth and staring at that one very white one any more than you want it to be gold, silver or green!

  2. it has too look natural, or else it will look strange and unnatural and you really dont want that!

    ask him for his opinion on picking a shade that is a bit whiter than my shade right now, but still very natural looking.

    he should have a good idea/ whats most popular

  3. Don't make it look unnatural.  Try a shade that's close to the same shade as your other teeth, or else it might look like plaque!

  4. Try and match your other teeth color wise. Otherwise everytime you smile your new tooth will be noticiable.

    Just my opinion.

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