
Should i clip my birds wings?

by Guest61658  |  earlier

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I read in an encyclopedia wing clipping is good because then they cant fly away or wings get caught in something but they also said that it creates health risk because then the bird will become lazy because lack of flying but if i have a play gym will it still become lazy? Help!




  1. i always clip my new birds wings when i first get them so i can train them without them flying all over the house. then they will grow back after a few months and they will be able to fly again. mine have theyre wings back and they can fly perfectly, and now that they are trained they can fly around the house and i can put them back in when i want to :] it does not make them lazy as long as they have toys in theyre cage to give them exercise. you can still take them out to play but instead of flying they sorta flutter a bit and then come back down xd.

  2. yes i would for safety. i clip my birds wings but only a few each side ... not a lot of people agree with wing clipping mainly breeders

  3. Hello.

    I clip all of my birds except the breeders ( parents birds who have had babies ) I do that to prevent them from flying high in case they do escape out sides the yard . It is for their safety . For excersise, I always let me cockatoos out , and hold their feet , and swing up and down for her wings to flap a few times ...every other days ...that would keep them for getting lazy . TM.

  4. Take the bird to your local veterinarian who treats birds and have him show you the proper way to clip, atleast the first time. If you cut too many, the bird will get hurt if he falls and when the feathers grow back if there isn't coverts to support them then you increase the risk of new blood feathers breaking and bleeding (no fun for anyone involved). IT is your responsibility as a bird parent to offer lots for physical and mentally stimulating activity. Most birds learn to fly (this is not an instinct) and can hurt themselves when they are not in a proper flight cage. Clipped birds are easier and safer and you are less likely to get into a bird vs fan accident or bird escape. Good luck

  5. I think that it is really up to u if u dont want it flying then clip the wings, otherwise i really dont think it will become lazy with the gym.

  6. If you should clip not cut the along the edge of the wing span the bird will become sedentary and stay on your shoulder. It will be up to you, to provide the exercise.

  7. Depends. Personally, I would not clip the wings of a smaller bird like a budgie if the safety factor is looked after so that the  bird can fly normally & vigorously  giving it the necessary exercise which enables it to remain fit & live longer.All you need is to ensure that the windows are closed ( if there is no netting ), fans are switched off for the time being & entry into the kitchen area is barred. However, if you are not comfortable with the safety factor or your bird is a bigger one, you may have to go for clipped wings.

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