
Should i come out...?

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(im a bi-sexual girl)i really have been wanting to come out for quite some time but i dont know who to tell. i dont want to come out to the whole world yet. i am kinda close with my mom, but im not sure she will accept it if i tell her. im thinking about coming out to my best friend, but my best friends a girl, and i dont want it to be awkward between us if i tell her. i am also very close with this guy(as a friend) so i was thinking about telling him...


what should i doooo




  1. well i might be a L*****n even though i dont want to be. i understand it's hard being bi cuz it's hard to talk to anyone cuz you are attracted to bother genders. think of some ppl you know and see if you trust that person to talk to them about you being bi. then maybe you two could talk to your mom together. it's justs easier being straight. So try going along with my plan. but if you odnt think you feel comfotable doing that it's just a suggestion. think of other ,methods like maybe not telling your mom at all!

  2. Wait a while and find yourself and make sure that this is not a phase. At 13 i doubt you have actaully been with a definitly shouldn't either until you are a bit older but not too many people will take you serious

  3. I think you should talk to your mom first. You said you and your mom are close, I bet she will not want to lose that closness that she has with you. I would confide in her first. You might want to start feeling your friends out though before you come out to them. Bring up the subject in a general conversation about people that are g*y and look for their reactions.

  4. That is a toughie. I have been out for 27 years now. While being honest and open was not always advantagious, it is the truthful thing to do. Open sexuality is not the horrible thing it used to be. But remember, at 13, you are so young that your feelings could change- by light years. I would sit on this one a couple of years, until your preferences have become at least well enough established for you to make a good judgement. Good luck!
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