
Should i continue to run?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so i'm NOT a natural long distance runner, but some peope talked me into goin out for cross country next year. so i was tryin to get inshpe and i ran last night for almost a mile and a half with no breaks. But this morning, i was eating breakfast, and all the sudden it felt like someone had hit me up the head,, and i was completly dizzzzzzzy after tht for more than an hour. Mom says my blood pressure jus dropped for a second there.

She said its because ive been pushing myself by running alot lately?????

im planning to go about a mile tonight. should i call it off?




  1. Sounds to me as if you are dehydrated.  Drink more fluids especially water.  Make sure you are urinating at least once an hour and your urine is relatively clear.  

    Then go ahead and run.

  2. i dnt kno u should try to get that under control but if u can do it and got support y not..

  3. I would hold off on running.  Dizziness is not a good sign, especially lasting an hour.  Keep hydrated and see how you feel.  Don't run tonight, but when you do start running again you need to take it easy.

    Running is not something you just jump into.  You can't go from no running at all to running all out for a mile and a half without stopping.  Run at an easy pace for 1/2 miles at a time.  Build up your endurance before you start running long and hard.  If you don't then you're priming yourself for an overuse injury (stress fractures, shin splints, tendonitis) or a traumatic injury (labral tear, meniscal tear, ligament sprain, muscle strain).

    Your body needs time to build up it's strength.  That includes your lungs, muscles, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, bones, heart, and your entire metabolic/endocrine systems.  Cross country is not a sprint to the finish it's an endurance race that takes patience, the same goes for it's training methods.

  4. Take the day off. Try again tomorrow after you've recovered. Eat well today and drink water and gatorade. Get plenty of sleep. Run nice and easy tomorrow and take breaks when necessary. Continue the lifestyle I just gave you and let your body get used to it.

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