
Should i continue to subscribe to cosmogirl?

by  |  earlier

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i have been receiving cosmogirl for a while, but lately it has seemed to just be adds and junk in it, so should i not renew the subscribtion?




  1. for me, personally, i wouldn't subscribe to cosmogirl, because there is barely anything interesting enough in their magazines.

    instead i'd rather subscribe to seventeen. i like their's. it has more stuff in it [like makeup, clothes, etc.].

  2. it's really up to u.

    I used to have it with seventeen.

    It was both seventeen and cosmogirl i renewed it twice so i had it for  about 3-4 years  or so but this last time i decided not to renew it. the price was pretty cheap but im really not that into it anymore. Instead right now im subscribed to other magazines which personally i find ALOT more intersting. i think that as time passes by my interest on what im reading changes and so do my subscriptions. nways like i said its really up to u but personally i wouldn't ...good luck with that =)

  3. There is a good Astronomer Magazine called Bushnells which could provide an alternative if the magazine is still around. If not you could try National Geographic Magazine.

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