
Should i continue to train for football?

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I just want to know you guys' opinion on if i should continue to work towards the NFL. I am 100 pounds, I'm 5'5, 13 years old, I have good speed. I am not a good catcher and im not that strong. I basically have no skill that stands out. I played football 1 year ago and i was DLine. I had about 10 tackles! I was Horrible. i weighed 85 pounds 1 year ago. I said to myself: I'm going to try hard and come back next year. So i worked really hard(lifted weights and ran) and i gained 15 pounds and here i am on another football season. So far things are not going as planned, I did not get the position i wanted(RB). Do you guys think i should keep on working out after the football season is over or do you think i should give up? if you think i should keep working than tell me what i need to work on(speed, strenght, etc.).thx




  1. Everybody wants to be the hero or not play at all.  You know those running backs get all the glory for scoring a touchdown but they would rarely score if their offensive line didn't block for him.  You should be hitting a growing spurt soon but until then you should continue to work out and get good at any position just so long as you get to play.  A few years from now you may develop into a running back but you will never know if you give up now.  As for the NFL aspirations, you need to be realistic and realize that very few people accomplish that goal.  But there aren't any of them that gave up on their dream at your age and made it anyway.  There is no (I) in team.

  2. i agree with the other guys, i was always suited more to play line backer right now I'm about 6' 1" 205 and my team Maryville (nationally ranked)  needed me to play DE so i did because it is after all a team game. i was lucky enough last year to sign a football scholarship even though i was not playing the position i was made for, and as it turns out i loved playing DE. and as far as the size and speed thing goes you are still a little young i didn't gain most of my size until the summer before my junior year. just keep working hard buddy and good things will follow. i might also add size isn't everything i won defensive MVP at my state championship game as a 200 pound defensive end.  

  3. These questions kinda bug me. I'm going to tell you what I tell everyone else who asks questions like this.

    The first thing you need to work on is your MINDSET.

    If you're here asking these types of questions, you don't have the mindset to play football.

    If you want to play football, you'll be working on getting better instead of coming on here asking others if you should work on getting better.

    That's my advice to you.

    Good luck this year, man.

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