
Should i dance with this injury tomorrow???

by  |  earlier

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i have dance tomorrow and i went to the doctors today. i was having a little bit of pain in the outside of my ankle and apparently i strained a ligament on the outside of my ankle. the doctor gave a brace to wear for a week. should i still go to dance tomorrow? this is a REALLY important dance class. what should i wear on my ankle? it doesn't hurt THAT bad. like i can still walk on it fine.




  1. there is no way you should do that. i am a dancer myself and when ever i get hurt i take it easy even if it doesnt hurt that bad. if it is so important go and watch but dont actually dance. wait atleast 2 days until after your brace is off, so that it doesnt hurt at all and you are fine.

  2. mayb u shouldnt dance but go to the class just to watch.. so u dont fall behind (atleast knowledge wise)

  3. did you ask your doctor if you should go? u could go but while ur dancing if it hurts u might wanna stop and take a break

  4. I wouldn't

  5. soak your ankle in ice water for a while it will keep the swelling down! Then wear your brace like the doctor said because thats the only way your ankle is going to get better! See if you can dance on it if you can still do most of the routine then go but if your ankle hurts at all during the class sit down because you don;t want to futher hurt your ankle!! I'm sure your dance teacher would like it if you told them first and see what they say!! Good luck and break a leg! Get your ankle well!!

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