
Should i deliver vaginally or through c section?

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This is my first pregnancy and i am thinking about having a scheduled c-section. I am really worried that i will go into shock if i try and have the baby vaginally.

When i was 7 i was raped and ever since i have had serious problems getting pelvic exams. I have panic attacks and my fiance has to help calm me down. s*x isnt an issue and neither is the fact that i am being looked at down there by a stranger. The issue is that pain down there makes me scared and i start having flash backs and this is all psychological i know that. If i have panic attacks just getting an exam, what do you think is going to happen giving birth?

I dont want to go into shock or make a vaginal birth any harder. I dont want to put my baby through that, and i know i should tell myself " its for the baby" and all that but my brain freaks out and i get scared.

My question is what do you think? should i just go and schedule a c-section? and if so what do they do in c-sections? is healing from a c-section alot harder to heal from then vaginal birth?




  1. It all depend. If you are healthy it will slow you down for a couple of weeks but I survive three C-sections.

    What they do is they put you to sleep and this in itself can cause dead, but not likely. They will cut your tommy close to the bikini line and then do the same with your uterus. When they cut your tommy, your muscles will be cut and sometimes they do not return to normal. I can't feel much in parts of my tommy, closest to the incision. Still if having the baby causes you so much trauma, I would go with C-section. Child birth if enough of a trauma by itself, don't make it harder than it need to be. It could turn into a nightmare for you and your baby.

    Anna del C.

    Author of "The Elf and the Princess"

    and "Trouble in the Elf City"  

  2. Your doctor could answer this question better than anyone else!! i have had two c-section and they are not that great and your in pain for weeks after!!!  

  3. can't you get a sedative?

  4. you have to get alot of pelvic exams whether you have a c section or not...

  5. healing from a c/s is a lot harder to heal from, it is major abdominal surgery. if you decide you want a c/s for this reason, I get it.

    If you decide to go with a vaginal birth, make sure you trust your care provider, and that he/she is aware of your problem. get extra labor support, maybe a doula, and make sure that she also is aware of your difficulties.

    there will be a lot of works that may trigger your anxiety, and make sure that you let your "birth team" know what upsets you. maybe telling you to "relax" or "open your legs'' isn't something that you want to hear.

    whatever you decide, I wish you luck in having a positive birth experience

  6. OMG I had 3 C sections and I would give anything to have had a vaginal birth. The re-coup period is awful with a section and vaginally you are up & around right away. Go to Lamaze type classes and educate yourself about what's actually happening "down there" and it may help you get over your trauma. Good luck!

  7. I had more pain with my c-section then I did with natural delivery.  But every woman is different and you need to choose what's best for you.

  8. Natural childbirth is not as bad as they say..I did 2 with nothing.  A c-section will limit you when you come home with baby as you will have an incision

  9. natural child birth is better for recovery etc, but if you know it is going to stress you out, your way better off just going straight for the c section, during natural birth you need to be in a good frame of mind if you panic you are likely to end up in theater anyway, so if your sure you will panic go the c section! congrats

  10. You should try and deliver vaginally. It is an experience like no other and it is natural. I know how people talk and YES it hurts but again it is natural and people recover so much faster than with a c section. I had 2 kids vaginally and my last baby weight 9'9 ouch! but I wouldn't take it back for nothing in the world. Let the drs. give you either an epidural or something to calm your nerves and try to have your baby naturally. This could also help your problem by showing your mind that you are in control and your past is not stopping you anymore. Good Luck and God Bless You.

  11. yes  go c section

  12. In a cesarean section, you will be numbed from the chest down via what's called a spinal block.  It's just like an epidural but lasts longer and I hear it is much stronger.  It is put in using a needle in your spinal column, and make no mistake, it is painful!  

    Once you are numb you'll be laid down and a catheter will be inserted.  Then you will be prepped for surgery.  A big blue curtain will separate you from the surgical area and there will be a ton of sucking sounds and you will feel extreme push & pull pressure on your stomach.  Understand that having a cesarean section is a major surgery if something goes wrong and you begin to hemorrhage and they can not stop the bleeding, the doctor will perform a complete hysterectomy.  It will also take longer to recover from, than a vaginal birth.  There is also the higher risk of major infection after wards.  

    I believe that in your situation, cesarean may be the best choice for you and the baby, and don't let anyone tell you that you'd be selfish to choose to do it that way.  Nor are you less of a mother, if you don't deliver vaginally.

    Good luck!

  13. talk it through with your doctor, he will proboly think its best as your anxity could cause unneeded stress to you and your baby which can make labour dangerous.

    and plus if you do decide to have a c section, it will put your mind at rest, making you more relaxed and making your babys arrival enjoyable instead of stressfull.

    but you do need to be aware and prepared even if you opt for a c section the baby may come before and if so try to think that getting your baby into the world safely is the number one prority to make you stay strong.



    you could also ask for some councilling, or what im going to ask for when i go into labour only people down there when needed and make sure you tell your partner to make sure this happens as its hard to voice you opions when your in labour, so make it clear your wishes

  14. Get the epidural and you wont feel pain down there during birth.  I wish I could have delivered vaginally but after hours (40 hours of labor and several hours of pushing) I was rushed to a c-section.  For me, it was a very hard recovery (about 10 weeks).  My friend just had a c-section with twins 5 weeks ago and she is already back to work so it is different for everyone but I'd talk to your dr about it and decide what is best for you and your baby.

  15. You can't just schedule a c-section. C-sections are MAJOR surgery and take months to recover from. They are reserved for emergency situations and possibly if the baby is too big to come through the vaginal and pelvic opening. I highly don't recommend just getting a c-section just because. They will give you pain medication and you won't even feel anything, during natural birth. You don't want to be cut open from hip to hip believe me.

  16. Recovering from a C-Section takes much longer than regular vaginal birth.  If pain is the trigger for the flashbacks, get an epidural.  You won't feel a thing.  I was petrified of giving birth and the epidural made it all better.  I felt just enough discomfort to use the contractions to my advantage and not much else.  I am truly sorry that you were hurt so young.   You are very brave.  Good luck and congrats!

  17. I had 2 vaginally and recovery is faster than with c-section. I recommend natural birth.Get the epidural and you wont feel pain down there during birth

  18. Vaginally, if you can, and it doesn't cause you harm.  Only then, will you experience true childbirth.  Sure, there will be pain, but you will not even remember it when you hold that baby in your arms.

  19. I'm not going to tell you what to do--since the decision is really yours alone. But I'd probably go with the C-section, if you would go into shock the natural way.

    Somewhere though, I read an article that babies have a higher risk of brain damage from vaginal birth.

    I'm not an expert so, I can't really say much.

    But if you KNOW you will go into shock, then I'd go with the C-section.

  20. With everything that you said i would get a C-section, when you have a baby vaginally, the doctors are poking you and checking on your progress like every hour and if a pelvic exam makes you unconfortable, then i would say a C-section would be best, I cant tell you what happens in one i never had one, but i know you cant hold the baby on your stomach or put any pressure on your stomach either you are in the hospital for 3 days instead of 2 days like when you have a vaginal birth. You are down alot longer becuase you have to let everything heal and you have staples in, so you have to watch them also. But do what makes you confortable, I would you went through alot when you were young, dont want to make an amazing day a bad one ya know good luck and god bless

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