
Should i disobey my parents?

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ok I'm 12 years old and i've had my period since i was 11.and since the first day i got it i've felt very uncomfortable with pads. so i've decided i want to try wearing tampons. but since i know my parents strongly believe that you have to be a woman and that virgins can't where tampons i did a lot of research about tampons and found out that you don't have to be a woman to wear tampons and virgins can wear tampons. i presented this research to my parents and asked them if i can wear tampons even though that decision should be totally up to me. but they said no. however i really want to try tampons because wherever i am if i have my period and I'm wearing pads i feel self-conscious and miserable and just really uncomfortable and its all i can think of. i sit out gym and don't go swimming whenever i'm wearing pads and i'm sick of it. do you think i should go behind my parents back and wear tampons?




  1. yeah i would definetly disobey them.

    its your descion. YOURS. not they're's.


  2. It's never good to disobey your parents. Show them your research. Have Mom talk to your doctor about it. I think it's playtex that makes a smaller tampon for younger, smaller girls.

  3. Wow Im 12 too.

    You should nottt start wearing them now.

    Its not good for young people.

    Your parents are right

    Just wait.

  4. nope you listen to them you are stupid not to listen to them its what they know best from experience. you have to be older to wear them and  its at least 18 or so so just Wait and be patient i know wits wierd and i was in 20's when i started sometimes they can make you sick so you have ot be careful about them.

  5. oh honey i feel for you!

    when i was younger my mom (who is a doctor lol) always advised me against tampons because of her own fears, so i wore pads until i was 18!! (bless my soul and my patience with my Mother lol). My awesome little sister, who was not the "quiet and obedient" type like me, when she was about 12 told my Mother - "look here woman, i want to play in the pool so i'm either wearing a tampon or i'm bleeding allover the place, your choice" hahaha of course there was no more discussion and my Mother stopped being so afraid of the d**n tampons.

    if your parents are quite strict, don't do what my sister did hehe ;]. perhaps you can confide in another female adult, like a cousin or aunt, who would be on your side and ask her to talk to your parents. or also ask to go to your doctor, or even a gyno if you feel like it, and bring your research and tell the doctor how you feel uncomfortable with the pads and would like the dr's help in explaining how tampons work to your parents and how they should not be afraid.

    the reason i don't say "just do it without telling them" is because you are still young and i would be afraid that for example you insert the tampon in wrong or something that hurts you - then it would be even worse to explain to them what happened.

    but if the other advice doesn't work and they will not hear reason - then i say s***w them for the sake of your comfort. make sure you get those mini ones at first and with an applicator to make it easier to insert, and if you are unsure how to do it just ask an older female friend you feel comfortable with to help you.

    good luck - pads do suck!

  6. I think you should because that "area" is so personal that no one really has the right to tell you what you should put there. Its your decision.

  7. Wear a tampon. Go on ahead. Look....Your parents will have different views than you because they were enforced on them. Do what you want. It doesn't matter. It's healthier....

  8. you're parents are stuck in the 1940's i think !  

    I'd tell them that EVERYONE is going to your friends end of summer pool party and you have your period so you need to get some tampons.  

    They are so much cleaner than wearing smelly pads, anyway.

  9. If I were you I would never disobey my parents, especially not by wearing tampons behind they're backs. First of all, they would totally find out, and second, I trust that whatever my mom tells me, is something that will do me good later on in life. Like my mom is against tampons too, (she doesn't wear them either, even tho she's a full grown woman) ; she said that tampons give you an infection in the place wear you get your ovulation or period, and it causes some kind of disease, like cancer. and this is true because my mom took medical school, and she was the main nurse that helped the doctor help women give birth, so my mom knows this stuff. So I'm never wearing tampons, I don't care how uncomfortable pads are, I rather be uncomfortable than get an infection in my v!g!na, uterus, or whatever.

    But don't get scared, because it only happens if you use tampons for the rest of your life. So I would make my choice quick.

  10. tempons are designed for periods....if you have periods, wear them

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