
Should i divorce him? i have 2 years old daungther that why I don't what the best i can do right now?

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Should i divorce him? i have 2 years old daungther that why I don't what the best i can do right now?




  1. That's a really broad question when we have no information as to what the problem is.  The best I can recommend is to start behaving like his girlfriend again.  A man is pretty simple.  They want direct communication, respect, appreciation, food, and good loving. Do you treat him with respect?  Do you make him feel important to your life and this marriage?  Do you greet him with a smile?  Do you actually tell him how much you appreciate him for what he does for the family?  Women have so much they can do to improve a marriage and they just don't think about it.  You have the power.  

    Remember being happy is not something that you are, it is something that you do.  Happy is a behavior not a feeling.

  2. i don't understand the second part of your question. A child is not a reason to stay married to someone. If your not happy, don't force it

  3. Well, without some minor details on what the problem is, my best advice would be to listen to your heart, and your head. Just because you have a child doesn't mean the best solution is to stay in a marriage... In fact it may be better for everyone to NOT stay. Children are very sensitive to that sort of environment. They can hear the fighting, they know when mommy and daddy aren't happy. they sense that tension. So I believe a lot of the time, getting away from that situation is best. On the other hand, why is it that you want to leave? Is it something that is so bad, it cannot be worked out either one on one, or with some professional help? Maybe marriage counseling would be helpful if you really want to make it work. but if you don't think that would be helpful, maybe leaving would just be the best solution

  4. A child is not a reason to stay married to your husband. I don't know why your thinking about divorce so I can't tell u whether I think u should divorce him or not. All I can say is don't stay married just because you have a child.

  5. What is the reason?  Need more info.

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