
Should i do ricky williams ronnie brown and wes welker for mauricejonesdrew and roddy white i get the last 2?

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i also have colston and fitz as my other wr and maroney and barber at my other rb in a ppr league 3 wr 2 rb




  1. no

  2. Yes you should.  Marion Barber is one of the best RB in the league and Jones Drew and Maroney are studs so you have a good 2nd RB and an awesome backup RB either way you go.  Ricky Williams looks good but who knows how long that will last (with regular season play beating him up and his off season antics always a worry).  Besides you don't want Ronnie Brown and Ricky onthe same team (it screws you during the bye week (I know you have Barber and Maroney but what if there is an injury? Welker is the real loss on your end but you are picking up White and with Colston and Larry Fitz you have three very, very good WR.  Tell the person to throw in another WR (anyone will do) for a back up (and to keep your roster count even) and you hae a very good trade.  I am surprised someone wants Ricky and Ronnie so bad.  Good pick up with Baber.  He will be in the top 4 running backs this year.  Especially with no Julius Jones.  

  3. I'd rather have welker,colston and fitz as my starting rec, and then have have barber and eithe ricky ronnie or maroney to choose from for the other rb spot.  i think thats better than roddy white, colston and fitz and then barber and MJD.  

  4. Do it. Brown isn't going to come bakc as strongly as everyone expects and could wind up on IR while Williams is a pot-smoking freak who could wind up suspended by Week 5.

    You could be getting Nancy Drew and still get he better deal.

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