so i am going to be a sophomore at a different school...i transferred after my freshman year to a new school closer to home. for my first year i lived on campus in hopes of finding the "college experience." Well my college experience wasn't much of an experience since i do not like to party or drink. Not that I have transferred and i'm closer to home, I was wondering if i should just live at home instead of dorming. I am very close to my family and living at home will allow that closeness to remain. On the other hand, i am beginning a new school, and I only know one person, so i am nervous that I will not make any friends. I am not the typical "college girl" but a part of me craves the "college experience" even though I do not participate in that lifestyle. Should i dorm or live at home? Also, I only have classes on Monday, wednesday, and friday to make commuting easier. Over the summer I also lost a lot of weight and hit my goal, so i am worried that by dorming I will gain the weight back through eating cafeteria food. Please help! Dorm or commute!!