
Should i drink tonight?

by  |  earlier

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if I'm guna drink tonight I'm gunna have to sneak into my parents cabinet cuz all i alcohol i have is old and grows.. and if i don't drink tonight I'm feeling kinda suicidal so ill problem cut myself, and lay in bed chocking myself.. (don't worry about the depression.. I'm getting help =|..)

Soo.. What should i do ??




  1. Grow up.

  2. wake your parents up and talk about this..

    you really need to talk to someone close to you about your problem.

    feel better soon xox

  3. Why would you want to take the easy way out? Are to too p***y to experience life? Stop feeling sorry for yoursefl and grow some.

  4. Well you shouldn't drink.  Instead go out to dinner with someone, even if its someone from home.  You need to change your routine so you don't fall into the same trap.

  5. drinking isnt gonna solve anything. you should go outside and run until your too tired to move.

  6. how old are? if your 14 you shouldnt know about drinking.

  7. see a psychiatrist.

  8. While you are getting help for your depression, find an AA meeting because that is where you are headed.  Self-medicating is a very common

    cause of developing alcoholism.  Not might happen, will happen. Same with drugs.  Stop now. It is already happening to you.

  9. go down to your local shop n buy some alcohol

    or hit a bar

  10. try reading a book... you know.. normal stuff..

  11. jus keep going to da help u need && dont do it. jus try to get ur mind off of cutting, choking drinking && all dat stuff

  12. da bst ding is go and ****...........**** someone u do want

  13. dont drink by yourself call a friend over or just ******* go to sleep

    your not going to cut yourself your just blowing off steam  

  14. hahaahhahahahah deffinately not

    i think you need help like right now

  15. No be the real man DONT drink

  16. well first of all drinking will not help your problem.  

    you should be happy to be alive, life can suck sometimes when you are young but drinking is not the answer.  go to a local homeless shelter and look at the bums with there natural light cans passed out on the ground and think is that where you want to be.  download a free poker site or play some online chess.  do some push ups, play some video games.  ASK YOUR PARENTS FOR HELP.  thats why they are there, they love you and will help you.  keep your head up and move forward.  DONT DRINK!!!

  17. Your a freak.

  18. Don't Drink!Thats Stupid!

    Maybe You Should Talk With Your Parents!

  19. i don't think it'll be a good idea for u to drink............u'll feel even more depressed....not that i would know cuz i never drank

  20. no

  21. Have a drink my friend!

    Just one

    not seven!

  22. wow you have issues.....


  23. can you go to AA? meanwhile call a crisis line or even one of your parents if you trust them.

    please don't drink or cut yourself. you know it will deepen your despair. draw red lines on your body and pretend you already did the cutting. you are real, but you might feel safer not bieng real right now. maybe real hurts tooo much.

    just get through the night safely.

  24. Umm, definitely wouldn't do the whole cutting/choking. Although not the right solution for always, I would drink. U can find some good recipes online if it tastes like ****. Or just mix that stuff with OJ or soda. Yea, I had a friend who was depressed for a while and almost cut, i told him to drink as well. He's normal now, just a phase. Maybe ull get through it too. Umm, in the future, i might recommend weed/pot. s***w all that health stuff, it aint that bad for you as long as you dont do it like every day. Beware, alcohol can be a depressant too and cloud your action. whatever u do, just suffer through the night (sober or not) and DONT hurt yourself. go find help tomorrow.

  25. Drink yourself into a "foo kin" stupor.

    Maybe you will pass out before you "hurt" yourself.

    Jesus people....whats the world coming to?

  26. never do that!

  27. ummm.. DRINK =|

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