
Should i drop out of college

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Im 17 and have just finished my first year in college and am awaiting my AS level results which come out next thursday.

I was just wondering if i should drop out if the results arent good and what my options would be if i was to drop out??

i also am worried what my parents would think about it

any help with this would be greatly appreciated


i asked this in the uni section by accident




  1. no. those with college degrees usually live better lives than most. why do you think doctors make so much money.

  2. No. i wish i was there. School=money=happiness, kind of.

    Whatever it is, it could be worse.

    Hang in there, GL.

  3. Personally I wouldn't drop out, I would just make sure i worked harder so my A level results were better.

    As for your options, I dropped out at 17 too and started working. I moved from dead end job to dead end job, each one i hated more than the last until finally i ended up where I am now, McDonald's.

    I am 25 years old. A 19 year old i work with is about to become my manager. I wish desperately that i had stayed in education, especially while it was of no cost to me, knuckled down and got myself a decent job. Minimum wage sucks and without an education, I'm afraid it doesn't get much better than minimum.

    Stay in college, build a future for yourself. Enjoy your life. Please don't make the mistakes i did.

  4. NO! at least wait til you've finished your A levels to decide your options. but don't let them push you into university after, unless you want to be a lawyer, doctor or teacher.

  5. What are your job prospects without A levels?

    If you think you can get a decent job with g.c.s.e. qualifications then fine.

    You can always be working and continue your education on a part-time basis.

    Open University is a good option. You don't need prior qualifications(depending on what courses you go for) and a lot of the courses are subsidised according to your financial resources.

    Give it a try.

    Good Luck!  

  6. If you fail, yes you should. Save the taxpayer money I would say.

  7. Hey, im awaiting results at the same time. And also wondering whether to drop out. I guess it comes down to if your enjoying it and if you really believe this is what you want to do for the future.

    My plan is that if my results are bad, I will probably try to retake a few exams to at least improve results and will drop a few subjects in the next year instead of dropping everything. To be honest I don't know what I'd do instead if I dropped out.

    My advice is that if you do drop out, make sure you have a plan or you'll end up working in some boring place or not at all. Think things through.

    And good luck with the results :)

  8. don't dropout if you don't want to be known as a quitter to yourself and everyone around you just because you failed once doesn't mean that ur gonna fail if u try again  

  9. i went to college for 2 years right after HS. i wasn't too happy at the first college so i though transferring would be the answer. i was accepted at another school but it was contingent upon the receipt of my last semester grades at the first school.

    i passed all my classes but one. i got Bs and one D. the D made me realize that i was NOT ready for college. the D was a wake-up call. i was not prepared to be a student. i spent way too much time partying and i just had no discipline.

    so, as difficult as it was, i sat my parents down and told them that i was not going back to college in the fall. i moved back home and got a full time job. i worked that job until i could figure out what i wanted to do and get my act together. that took 4 years! i went to a totally different school and excelled!

    do what's right for you; if you're not ready, you're not ready. i would hope that you're parents would understand. they may be a little disappointed, but it's your life, not theirs.

    good luck!

  10. no dont do it,,my son did and i now know he regrets it,,carry on ok,,,also whatever you do your parents will stand by you,,its called unconditional love,,good luck.

  11. No. It's actually pretty common for people to get bad results for their AS grades but then get much better ones for their A2 and AS retakes.

    If you do drop out the most obvious options would be to go to college and do a different course (A Levels or something else) or get a job (with or without training included).

  12. Never! Finished it and get you education. as they say "Get you **** and get out!"

  13. If your results turn out to be less than expected, ask yourself if you worked hard enough, if you enjoy what you are doing and if you can 'handle' college.

    Going by your answers you get a few options; if you like your chosen subjects and need to pull your socks up then do your utmost to do so as it's biting the bullet for a few years but a career you'll enjoy for life. If you don't enjoy your course, there are so many options and you are so young, you'll find something worthwhile for you.

    You've been going to school for the biggest part of your life so it is normal to think 'pfff I am so done'. Maybe taking a year off and pursuing some other interests? Getting a feel for the real world and maybe discovering things you didn't know interested you.

    If you choose the latter though, you must make concrete agreements with yourself and those around you. Make some definite plans and give yourself a time frame. Don't start untill you have at least some set plans and an agenda. This will ensure you don't spend months aimlessley wandering about ànd - very important - your parents will feel more secure to know that - for example - on January 1, 2010 you are ending your gapyear and going back to college/work/normal life. The idea is after all getting to know the real world but just as much it is meant to set you on your way to chosing a path that is right for you.

    You are young, enjoy this possibiltiy now you can, whatever you chose will be with you till your 65...

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