
Should i dump her over this?

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Should i dump her over this?

i been dating this alright looking girl for 2 months we never see each other but we live really close I'm 14 and she is too but we both play sports that take up a lot of time and i mad that i never see her and we rarely talk on the phone but we never really gone a date date but we hangout and i never even kissed should i dumped her because we don't have time for each other and another thing would it be weird to ask her for a kiss cause not being mean but we been going out for two months help me




  1. yeh man i would, it looks like its almost an online relationship and plus your only 14 so u need to get yourself out there, u dont wanna get attached to one girl, and im not one of those guys that hate prudes but if u have been going out for 2 months and no kissing yet thats ridiculous, break up with her, your still young

  2. why ask her for a kiss if you don't like her like that? is it hard for you to find another girl?

  3. sure thats not a bad reason. tell her that you rarely see her and that its driving you crazy. that you want a good relationship with her but its not happening. good luck to you.

  4. Not to be mean, but you are barely out of your childhood status. Take things nice and slowly. You don't NEED a girlfriend at this stage in your life. Just relax and have fun. If you think you two are to be together then that's fine, but don't let it upset you too badly. Just be a kid and don't worry about relationship c**p right now!

  5. make time for her!

    first ask her how into you she is

    if she says shes really into you and is sad that she dosent see you ask her on a date to someplace you both like.

    or if she says i like you but its like we arent even going out then say do you think its a good idea to break up.

    if you dump her make it a mutual descion and give her a reason why you did it. dont just leave her wondering why you did it.

    k, i hope this helps!

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