
Should i eat dairy during pregnancy?

by Guest65439  |  earlier

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i've been a strict vegan for years and years.. no meat, dairy, gelatin, but since this pregnancy i've been wanting grilled cheese.. like it's wierd i haven't had it in years, my doctor told me my blood work is pefect and i don't need to switch it might actually make me throw up because my body isn't use to dairy.. soo i'm stuck =[ would you go vegertarian instead of vegan ??!?




  1. be intune and listen to your body... if you are craving something, your body is trying to tell you that it needs it either for you or your baby... it certainly will not do any harm to either of you....

  2. Yeah,what Scott said you're "building a baby"

    And the best you can do is at least at dairy for a few months so that you're baby could be healthy, whats a few months?

  3. First of all, just because you are craving a grilled cheese sandwich does not mean you are craving dairy.  Could simply be the fat you are craving.  Try using some flax oil on your food, and using some extra virgin olive oil for frying instead of butter on a vegan cheese sandwich.

    We've all heard of the weird and wild things pregnant women supposedly crave -- pickles and ice-cream for example.  Do pickles and ice-cream help grow a baby?  Nope.  Such cravings are due to imbalances.

    We had two vegan children from a vegan mother and they couldn't have been healthier.  The main thing was to avoid second hand smoke, sugar, junkfood, caffeine, msg, food colouring, diglycerides, and all that stuff that we all know is bad for us, and eating a diet as 'clean' and 'pure' as possible.

    A good book we read and followed was Macrobiotic Pregnancy and Care of the Newborn.  There's  a companion book called Family Favorites for older children.

  4. I personally wouldn't, but it is up to you. I wouldn't want to take a chance either because throwing up is no fun. If you really want a grilled cheese sandwich maybe try a soy grilled "cheese" sandwich.

  5. Why expose your baby to dairy? So many babies who are "colicky" are actually only allergic to cow's milk. It gives them huge tummy-aches.

    Although, it probably wouldnt hurt anything, as long as it's not a daily craving.

  6. are give your baby what he/she wants dairys good for helping them have strong bones

  7. go ahead

  8. Try a grilled cheese with soy cheese. It may calm your cravings.

    Also, there are other things with calcium, vitamin D, etc. Like soy milk. (:

    So, I wouldn't, but it's whatever feels right.



  9. yes you should eat dairy products while pregnancy. As your baby is growing up with all your food, nutrition, calcium, protein and etc...

    Do all things for your baby than after you can again go with your food control.

  10. You are building your baby's bones and you need lots and lots of calcium - of which dairy products are the best source. So what do you think?

  11. If your doctor said your blood work is perfect, then why couldn't you have soy milk?  ... in fact, make grilled cheese with soy cheese!

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