he let me and another co-worker go because they wanted to be able to afford to hire an old employee back. since i live in VA, i cant do anything about it.
since then, and might i mention, he fired me the week i returned from unpaid maternity leave, i have lost one of our cars, almost been evicted, lost my medical insurance, and am about to have to live in the one remaining car we have. there are 4 of us living on 1300 amonth. rent is 819. you do the math. we got another summons today for rent, and we cannot pay it. we will be evicted.
should i email him and let him know how he has ruined the lives of four innocent people so he can get his bonus this year? he told me as i left he hoped it wasnt an "inconvenience". no, losing your job isnt inconvenient. losing it with a newborn is.
p.s i dont need him for a work reference so what i say isnt going to effect anything