
Should i even buy into my boyfriends excuse for cheating??

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when i asked my bf why would he cheat he kinda broke down and said ''it wasnt the real him'' it kinda sounds ridiculous i told him people our in charge of there own actions but I'm not really sure what he means by it wasnt the real him ,i need answers O_O




  1. NO WAY.  Kick him to the curb sweetie.  You deserve better.

  2. with a cheater..time to move on

  3. So every time he is not feeling like himself he can cheat? Does he have split personalities that send him into a sexual thoughtless rage? Don't buy it. It is a sad excuse for failure to be faithful.

  4. Once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater.  That was the real him and it will happen again.  

  5. Sounds like a sad excuse for disrespecting you!!  I wouldn't buy his excuse, he is only bound to do it again.  

  6. He's trying to feed you a line of BS.  You deserve someone who is going to care for you, not just for themselves.

  7. girl run fast and dont look back i wasted 10 years of my life on a guy like that and it isnt worth it and now i sit back and listein to all the new girls in his life talk about him cheating on them and i am so happy it is them and not me .. once a cheater always a cheater .. it is so true ,

  8. who cares what his excuse is?  He cheated. It's over. Byeee.

  9. ask him how often the "not real him" will be appearing in your relationship.  then kick him in the balls and get the he!! out.

    he couldn't come up with a better excuse than that?  Seriously?  Why are you even contemplating this?  He has absolutely no respect for you and if you ever talk to him again he'll know you don't expect respect.

    You deserve better, my friend.  Block his calls.  E-mail him a dear John letter.  He doesn't even deserve to be dumped in person.

  10. I hate this kind of cheater worst of all, the one who feels so sorry for himself having got caught that he tries to make you sorry for him, too. Don't buy into it: it's not a good bargain!

  11. Knock hum upside his head and show him what you think of his cheating and his bullshit excuses. Then boot him to the curb.  

  12. no you shouldnt buy his sorry excuse for cheating!! he is weak and will try to give you any excuse to see if you will accept it!

    please dont fall victim to his games because thats all he is playing!

  13. Was he under the influence of drugs or alcohol?  Did someone snatch his body and make him do it?  Where was the "real him" when it occured?

    He is using a lousy excuse to make you believe it was a one time thing he did.  He has no good excuse for what he did, that is why he made up a "ridiculous" one.  Depending on your history with him, chances are, it will happen again.

  14. it IS the real him, hes a cheater!!! get rid of him!!

    if its easy for u to let go, do it! do it ! do it right away! believe me!!

    tht is the real him, ur right everyones incharge of wht they do....no1 can MAKE anyone do anythin. he chose to cheat on u...its wht he is, a cheater. n no good for u!

    dnt buy his sh*t, whtever u are, whoever u are,  deserve better, no1 deserves idiots like him,

    n i bet thers guys out ther who wud jump at the chance to be wi u and never hurt u...

    lose this loser !  


    you'd be a fool to stay with him!!!!! end of story, I can guarantee he WILL HURT YOU AGAIN, and if you stay with him??? you only have yourself to blame!

  16. totally.

    dump him.

    like last month's shoes. dump him.

    once a cheater, always a cheater.

    hes just trying to get you to believe him

    just to gain your trust and cheat on you again.

  17. If it wasn't the real him, the it must have been the fake him. Was the girl he had the fling with real or fake?? I'm thinking the real him had a fling with a real girl which makes him a real @sshole. So, get real and get rid of him.

  18. Sure! It was a good one! I like it! It wasn't me, it was my evil twin!

  19. omg he is giving u a line...he might as well of said he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing.  There is NO excuse for cheating!  Dump his ***.

  20. Sorry...."actions speak louder than words"

    He can't find a good excuse because there isn't any.

  21. I don't think "once a cheater always a cheater" applies to all cheaters (and no I've never cheated)

    But, as others have extrapolated on, *wow* that is a p**s-poor excuse.  There's nothing you can do to fix the reasons behind that (at least if he was drunk off his *** he could stop drinking etc).  So you have no reason to believe it won't happen again (besides fear of getting caught, and he would just try to hide it better).

    Oh, and he's basically saying "I didn't do this on purpose/it wasn't under my control", which may be true... if he has no freakin' self control.  You have to ask yourself if you really want to be with a guy like that.  And of course that still begs the question "so why did you do it then?"

    Did he at least tell you he cheated (at least that would be something) or did you have to find this out by yourself?

    Regardless, due to that c**p excuse, I'd dump.

  22. NO !  send his butt packing !

  23. NEVER believe a cheater.  Once a cheater, always a cheater.  They aren't worth the time...

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