
Should i even call her??

by Guest65086  |  earlier

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ok so here's the story(i'm sorry it's so long but plz take the time and just read it):

ok so my cousin sarah(10) has been calling me nonstop(i'm 13 btw) for the past couple weeks i am serious she leaves me like 18 to 20 messages and missed calls almost everyday and i get worried so i call back just to see if everything is okay and she answers and tells me she wants to talk about some memory we had like 5 years ago and all the calls we have had recently are just about 10 minutes then she always is the one telling me she has to go and recently i haven't even been using my phone alot lately and also bcuz school has just barely started and i've got alot of homework and i have to get up at 5:15 in the morning(and i have told her this multiple times too) and also i never really have time just to talk and i just recently got a text from her saying 'why don't you ever answer your phone?' and 'allie when you get this message call me back and tell me the truth of why you haven't been calling me.' ok so you would most likely know that i was furious by this bcuz i have called her back and yet again told her i've been busy w/ school. and another thing that bugs me by this statement is that not only that her family never keeps in touch w/ us but when it was like 5 years ago she was a jerk to me always making fun of me and leaving me out of games w/ other amily members(yeah i know this is most likely immature and you don't care) but i have talked to my mom about this and she totally takes her side and says that just amuse her she probably feels ignored.... IGNORED i swear to god that child is popular and has everything she could possibly want and just praise after praise so ignored??? and besides like who is she telling me i'm supposed to call her...? just plz what should i do about this??




  1. awkward situation.. perhaps try talking to her mother? I know that sounds a bit odd but obviously the girl is a needy person and maybe there is something you offer that she feels she needs.. Is she close with other family members? Maybe she is just trying to feel like she has family.. Perhaps there are problems within her immediate family? Try asking her some questions..  

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