
Should i even try out?

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im 5'8 and want to try out for volleyball in like 2 weeks but ive only played for about 2 weeks ( ive gone to two camps- a beginner and intermediate) and im pretty good i guess but i know there are girls that have played for way longer then me that are tryout out. I want to make JV as a middle hitter but i dont even know if i should try out because ive only been playing for a little while, should i even do it? I could always just do track in the spring...




  1. volleyball is so much fun I love it. if you really like it you should try out. if there are kids that have played longer so what try your best

    ----from a true middle hitter

  2. Go for it.  Be serious and try really hard.  Volleyball is the best sport.  If you don't make it, ask to be manager and then you will learn how to become a better player....then maybe you will make it the year after.

  3. just try!  i know because i have played for MANY seasons, and im only in eigth grade.  People were mad at me when i made the highest team for our school, and im only five foot.  Everybody else was over five and a half feet.  Sometimes you can really surprise yourself, and do things nobody could imagine you doing.  But you shouldn't get too set on a position, because they can and WILL switch you around.  Whatever they put you at, try your hardest, and even go for things that you know you can't get, because they like that.  And wear a bright shirt, so you can get more attention.  Good luck

  4. What's the harm in trying out?  The worst that could happen is you don't make the team, which won't be the end of the world since you have been only playing for 2 weeks.  It won't be like you have been playing since the age of 12.  Also, you just might surprise yourself and make the JV team.  (Does your school have a freshman team?  Or, are you not a freshman?  If you're a frosh there's no shame in being on the frosh team.  If you don't try out, you'll never know and I think that would be a worse fate than not making the team.

  5. same as me i been sick all summer and stuff so couldnt practice much adn tryouts on monday so i dont know

  6. you should for sure try out.

    first youre tall and coaches always love that.

    second it doesnt really matter how long you have played for. obviously experience will help. but all my friends have played for years and years. and ive only played for a year. and im probably as good as they are. some people just adjust and learn and become more comfortable with the game faster.

    for sure try out

  7. You should tryout! you've got height which is great just be open to suggestions from coachs and more experienced players if they are trying to correct! Possibly research on middle hitters and practice in all of your free time before tryout! good luck!!

    from an experienced midddle hitter

  8. just because you 've just started doens't mean you're not good!!!! im 5 foot 6 and i am also a middle hitter!! i just started working on being on 1 week ago and im still going to tryout!! just give it  your all and if you don't make it jsut try next year who knows you could make varsity!!!

    good luck!!!!!

  9. High school goes by so quickly.  Don't graduate with regrets that you didn't do all you had wanted.

    Give it a try!  If you don't make it, feel good that you had the guts to pursue your dreams.  And if you do make it - feel great that you didn't let the opportunity pass you by.

    Best of luck to you!
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