
Should i feel guilty that my parents wants to buy me a car??

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They want to get me a car because im transfering to a university in the fall. I know i nee a car but i cant get a job rigt now. My dad saved up some cash to buy me a car. I feel this normal and how do i see it positively?




  1. If they had to save up money to be able to get you a car, I can understand your guilt but all and all, your parents are trying to better you and help you with your schooling and life. Be grateful not guilty. Congrats!

  2. not if they really want to ...lucky

  3. You shouldnt feel guilty but that fact that you do makes it seem like you are a deserving person. They are more than likely proud of you for going to college and willing to support you, Just be greatful with whichever car you get and try and repay them with chores or arrends :)

  4. they love you, they wanna help you out like they have been your whole need it so just take it! why feel guilty youll pay them back by taking care of them when theyre old

  5. Your Dad sounds so sweet! Of course you feel guilty, but it's okay, you just need to realize that he's doing this for you because he loves you. Just be grateful, maybe cook a special meal for your parents or offer to take over all the chores at home til you leave. When you graduate and get a job you can always pay them back.  

  6. Your parents are just thinking of you. If this is your first car, loads of parents buy their children their first car. I'm sure they want to buy you it. It's fine, don't feel guilty at all!!!!! PARENTS ARE SO SWEET AND CARING, IT'S THEIR JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


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