
Should i fight this kid i work with? (hes higher in the food chain than me and is trying to get me fired)?

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So i work at NAPA in the warehouse. i just started there (im 19 y.o.) This other guy that stocks with me (hes about 23) is constantly doing things to single me out and make me look like ****. it reminds me of school drama. i was nothing but nice and hard working, so i dont see his motivation. I even tried to ask if i offended him. talking with a manager is not an option...and i am sick of the disrespect. he has made work h**l for no reason. (im dark and hes from texas...a factor) SHOULD I BEAT HIS ***? he has like 6 inches on me but im about 220 muscle an hes bout 165 i box/wrestle. sorry the question is so long (my 1st ? on yahooanswers)




  1. I erased everything that I wrote previously

    Here's a hint and the same advice that I gave to someone who is now dead.

    Anything that a local woman tells you regarding what you wrote...and how to react....DISREGARD

    It will only get you in more trouble, and don't join the miltary on the advice of ANY family member.

    They will cash in on your life insurance.

  2. follow him home and burn his house down. If you attempt to beat him up you will lose your job anyway. Prehaps speak to your boss. It sounds like harrassment

  3. beat the **** out of him, but don't go in swinging first because if you swing he can call on for defence.

    provoke him in to doing it (when you mean higher in the food chain, you mean at work right?) their was this kid at school who was a ****** but we couldn't do anything about it because his dad was principle. one day he got fired by the board then that kid realised he had not protection. Next day he was in hospital in a coma.

    i just saying what goes around comes around. he"ll get it one day.

    so the moral of this story is beat the **** out of him but do it in a secluded area

  4. Sure, fighting him proves a great deal about your masculinity.  You can tell the police officers about how well you did against him, the judge about why he deserved it and your cell mates why you rock.  Maybe future employers will want to hear about how you beat up a coworker at work.  Employers love that!

  5. why is talking to a manager not an option? it seems to me you are being harassed, you should contact your manager or union rep ASAP. if not them find the human resources person and alert them to the treatment this other employee is giving you.  

    if nobody will help you contact a civil rights or labor lawyer and sue the company for discrimination.

  6. Talking with a manager is an option in addition to speaking with the person who hired you but as the New Person this is something you need to, carefully, consider.   There are Texas Red-necks and there are Texans - is there a possibility you may be able to transfer to a different area?  

    I live in a state with a 50% Hispanic population and your asking about fighting this man is, unfortunately, why many of us categorize them as a group to be wary of.  While I realize you aren't responsible for the actions of others, you are responsible for your actions and one of them might be to enquire about an anger management course which will help you see things from a different perpective.  Discussion is the adult way to approach issues but, when that fails, the wisest thing to do is be as pleasant as possible.  You must realize the others you work with already know what this man is like so it's up to you to prove that, despite working conditions you're not pleased with, you are still going to exhibit manners and be a nice person to be around.  

    God knows how difficult it is for us to obey the command that we love our neighbors but, as mere mortals whom He created, who are we to question this?  Everything we are commanded to do is for our benefit - certainly, not for His!

  7. he's not a kid man, he's 23 and older than you and senior..

    in some respect, he's not bullying you, he's just talking behind your back.. and you would like to beat his *** just because of that.. you must be on the wrong job.. apply as a boxer man.. just get out there. good luck!

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