
Should i file a police report?

by  |  earlier

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I work downtown as a paralegal in a law office on the 8th floor of a bank building. the first week of July some creep was standing outside of a building down the block as I walked from my car to my work and as I walked by him, he started to follow me up to my work, in the elevator and then on my floor. I turned around before I got to my office and asked what office he wanted and he said "oh, the one down there", there were 2 to choose from and he wasnt specific. and then I said "well it isnt open yet" and he turned away and left.

This morning, 2 weeks later, the guy ended up behind me again but I dont know where he came from this time. Again he followed up the elevator but this time I dodged into another office waiting for him to leave. He walked half way down the hall again and just stood there, not even at an office door and waited a minute then turned around and went back down the elevator. I've told my boss about both times and hes suggesting a police report?




  1. Are you male or female? If you're male just tell him to go away and if he doesnt then knock him out.

  2. File a report with the police - call the non emergency number and tell them you need to report a suspicious person.

    They could be targeting you, the law firm, the bank, or any other business.

    Police officers will have a better chance of seeing the security camera footage than you will.

    Good luck and be aware of your surroundings.

    Get Security or a coworker to walk you to your car for a while!

  3. Absolutely, give the police the best description possible of the man, and also tell them the location he came from the first time it happened.

    To be honest, there may not be much they can do if they locate him, but if this guy knows he has been reported to the police, that may be enough to get him to leave you alone.

    You want as much as possible documented with law enforcement in case you ever have to file charges against this subject. I hope it doesn't happen again, and hope this helps.

  4. If there is a way to get a photo of him (security camera?) without him knowing you are taking a picture, it would be helpful.

    Also - don't lead him to your place of work.  Perhaps talk with a coworker that you can phone if (when) it happens again with a code word that will call the police - building security etc.

    Speaking of building security - if you have it - talk with them first - tell them of the problem.  Get a hand signal set up with them that they could detain the person until the police arrive.

  5. Definitely, it means the next time he does it a quick call to police should sort it out.

  6. No crime yet.

    No security in your building?

    If they will, file a report or just use your cell when he returns.

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