
Should i find a better home for my iguana?

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i have an iguana thats not even a year not having trouble traing it or anything. i love iguanas! and ive had one before...but the problem is im only 15 and i dont have the money to give it the stuff it needs. my mom said she was going to help me out til i got a job but now shes pretending she didnt say that! should i find him/her a home that can give him/her everything it needs?




  1. haha im 15 and i know how parents can be :p

    well my suggestion is to find someone who can give it what it needs. i know its tough but its whats best for the iguana. it would be cool if that person lets you see it all the time :)

  2. yea you should give it to a good home just recently i had a ferret but couldnt afford it and my mom said the same thing so i sold him to a good home and now he living the life i still visi him once and a while to its for the best if you were the animal you would want the best for you to

  3. Definitely if you cannot provide what the iguana needs than you should make arrangements to find someone who can.

    Also kudos to you for caring enough about the animal to make this difficult decision!

  4. i think you should. its not really fair to the animal to keep him without the proper things he needs to survive. i wish more people our age viewed animals with the same sense of compassion, and able to recognize when they  cant provide the right care.  i wish you luck on your search for a home for the little guy :)

  5. Hm...What do you have for your Iguana right now?  How big is the animal?  How big is it's tank?  What are you feeding it/How often are you feeding it?  Answer these questions, and maybe I can give you some advice.  Email me and I'll get back to you.

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