
Should i follow what the alchemist tells me?

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i'm reading the book...

i haven't finished it yet

so far i've read about 28 pages...


but it's telling me something

i wanna achieve my PERSONAL LEGEND


i'm actually confused right now

i wanna shift courses

i'm a college freshman

just turned 17 two weeks ago, not legal to do anything

i go home after classes, everyday because the university is only 45 minutes away from my house

my mom pays my tuition fee

it was never my choice to take up nursing

i wanna be a doctor, a surgeon, actually

but my grandma promised to pay for college if i take up nursing

(because in the philippines, i live in his country, people want to be nurses because they could easily go work outside the country and earn a lot of money)

but she didn't keep her promise

my mom pays for my tuition fee...

before my grandma proposed that she'd pay for my studies

my mom told me that i can choose whatever course i want

but a week ago i asked her if i would still shift

because we were watching the news and it was about how nursing graduates can't find jobs because there are too much of them!


so...i'm in my first semester of nursing

i wanna shift to dentistry next semester

(dentistry takes 5 years pre-med required)

i don't live in the states

but i am petitioned(by my grandma) to migrate there

i don't wanna live there

no offense, americans

but i love it here




  1. You seem to be  too young for Uni, I cannot believe that you can take up dentistry without any pre-med courses; it seems strange to me.  In fact alot of your tale seems odd.

    If you really want to become a surgeon then you will need to do medicine.  You will need three good A level or college equivalents grade A or A star (4.0 average).  

    It is unlikely that a reputable Uni will allow a Nursing UG to swap to a Medicine UG.  Stick with the nursing, as you can then do a Post Graduate Nursing Practitioners course which will allow you to undertake most of the duties that Senior House Officers and Registrars undertake.  It will also make you more attractive to employers worldwide.

  2. Bag'er then Tag'er, only if tha rack is stacked ya digg  

  3. Canada needs nurses  Lots of Filipinos  coming here

  4. i personally think that book was rubbish. so no. don't.

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