
Should i get 8 snakes, or a dog?

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i love dogs, but i really like snakes. Right now i have a king snake. Should i get 7 more snakes, or a cool dog? snakes are kool and 2 have eight... wow. But dogs love being handled n all. Which should i go with?




  1. why the heck do want 7 snakes?  Get a dog

  2. DOG! But keep him/her away from any snakes you may have... :-/ ( scared of snakes once was a huge black one in shed)!

  3. hmmm i used to have 24 snakes and 4 dogs.  unfortunately we had to scale down when we moved cross we have 2 dogs and 5 snakes...and all that in a 1 bedroom apartment!

  4. dog, i don't know much about snakes but i'm pretty sure you can't really "enjoy" them and play with them. only look at them

  5. a dog you already have snake imagine 7 loose snakes in ur house

  6. a dof of course

  7. why is it 1 dog or 7 snakes ... am I missing something ... idea ... add one snake or dog at a time .... OR ---  maybe 3 1/2 snakes and 1/2 of a dog ... or 14 snakes or 2 dogs ... or how about buy as many dogs and snakes as you can ... put them in a cage, don.t feed them and see who survives.

    This is silly. No 10 points in my future here, but I had to say it.

  8. It depends on how much time you have because you can leave a snake in a tank all day whereas a dog needs alot of care and is more high maintainance.

  9. well, my friend has a snake and when her snakes skin peels she has to put her in the bathtub and give her a sponge bath. so that takes like 10 minutes. do that times 8. i think you should get a dog. plus dogs acually play with you. snakes just sit there and do nothing most of the time.

  10. Dogs are a lot more work than snakes.  Dogs require twice daily feedings, walks, cleaning up after, grooming if necessary, veterinary care-including spaying or neutering and training to make them good canine companions. Snakes don't require any of that except the once a week feeding and occasional cleaning after.  Why can't you have both?  I have 4 dogs, 2 cats, some horses and 23 snakes as well.  That's not counting the hatchlings that are out of the egg now.  If you have the time, money and responsibility, then you can have both.

  11. could you house 7 more?

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