
Should i get Gears of War 1??

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Okay, i know a lot of people are going to get GoW 2 but i havent actully played GoW 1. All my friends are saying its fun and i should get it. But is it really worth buying it? or should i just get GoW 2?




  1. omg yes you should. one of the best inline games out there even to this day. who doesn't want to chainsaw someone in half? the story is great and its just a need to have game.  

  2. Gears of War is really cheap now, you can get the Refresh edition for about 30-40 dollars new, and you can find some deal for 19.99 on Ebay. The story is worth it, and the multiplayer is great. Also, co-op with a friend is great fun.

  3. I bought MGS4 having not played any other MGS before. I just read the whole storyline off a website. But for you, if GOW1 is cheap then get it. My friend is in the same situation. GOW2 looks really graeat

  4. Get Gears of Wars 1.  It'll help you understand the sequel better, and you should adapt to it easier.

  5. if your friends say its fun you should just borrow it from them or just rent it and if you like it than buy Gears of War 2  

  6. just wait for GOW 2

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