
Should i get a 360 or a PS3?

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I already have a wii and a ps2.

I played PS1 and ps2.

I don't want to constantly be in my hardware store fixing My 360 but i heard the 360 has pretty neat games.

So, Which one should i get and why?




  1. Neither. you already have a Wii. A Wii is a lot better than a 360 and a ps3.

  2. 360 fanboys will say stupid stuff like "ps3 is big and fat and stupid and doesnt have halo" and ps3 fanboys "haha, your 360 has rrod" or some stupid stuff like that.

    anyway. ps3 has its flaws, on the 40, and upcoming 80gb model, no ps2 compatibility, 2 usb, and no memory card readers. which sucks. the current 80gb mgs4 model has all of those things, though the ps2 compatibility is limited to select games. but regardless, the built in blu-ray is what gets most people.

    supposedly the 360 is getting a new chipset, helping rrod, we will just have to wait and see if that happens. but it does have some pretty awesome games. and the systems are rumored to have another price drop on 9/7.

    research games and features to see which one suits you best

  3. Well I'm having the same problem. If you don't want to pay for xbox live, well thengo with ps3. but xbox 360 has a lot more games for it becuase they are easyer to make cause they are not blu-ray. what i do now is go on youtube and watch like 90 videos by just typeing xbox 360 vs ps3. that helps u alot. i would go with the xbox because wayyy more people have xbox then ps3, so if u wanna play with friends go with xbox 360. well e-ya later

  4. If you have a lot of friends that go online with one or the other of the systems, it makes since to get the one they have. That is the biggest thing. Online gaming is a different experience, and it is more fun with people you know. If all your friends have 360s and you have a PS3 you are going online with people you never met and the coordination and cooperation just ain't the same.

    If you don't plan to go online get a 360. There are more games and a lot of the great upcoming games for the PS3 rely on online play. The 360 has a lot of neat older games that won't be stale to you because you've never played them.

    If you plan to go online but have friends with both systems or don't have very many friends with either system, get a PS3. The online is less expensive (free), the quality of the system is better, the current crop of new games is better (Metal Gear), and the upcoming games seem to be the cream of the crop (Afrika, Little Big Planet, Home, DC Universe Online, and Resistance 2).  

  5. well that's a toughie i think you should go with the ps3 because you played ps1 and ps2 with backwards compatibility you could sell your ps2 and still be able to play your games.

    ps i'm not a fanboy i like xbox more but because he played on sony he should continue now

  6. I have cousin has the 360

    I think that ps3 has some of the best games,it doesnt have halo 3 but it has metal gear solid 4 which is kickass till now...humm

    I think u should buy ps3

    besides ps3 is blue ray which mean awsome graffics...

    I hope I helped

  7. ps3

  8. The 360 has way better games!

    It also has SICK online play!

    XB Live is SICK!

    Plus its cheaper!

    The PS3 has weak games and weak Online play!

    XB 360 is WAY better!

  9. Get a 360 there way better the PS3's

    Check out my gaming forum!

  10. Get the ps3 the 360 has too many mechanical problems.

  11. Both ahve pretty neat games, especially at end of year with all the new PS3 games.

    seens you are already expereinced with Playstaions the 3 is the next logical step, you can continue palying the sequels to the games you have grown up with.

    Blu-ray is a nice feature too, as well as free online play.

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