
Should i get a 360 or a Wii??

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I am getting to pick out a gaming system for christmas but i dont know what i should get, a 360 or Wii?




  1. i say wii

    it have more "girly" games

  2. Wii is for little ******* like the kid who said 360 has no good games. wii sucks and has **** everything. it is not fun and if you get a wii over a 360 you should go kill yourself

  3. wii

  4. What types of games do you like?



    get the wii

    if you like fps and some aciton games get a 360.  

  5. this depends what u like. a 360 has a lot of realistic car racing games which r always fun.

    the wii has other games like a lot of mario and all those fun characer games, but the car racing isnt the best on the wii.

  6. OMG YOU GOTTA GET A WII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GET A WII!!!!


    1: good graphics

    2:you can get on the internet!

    3: best games ever!

    4:online is good. but not the best

    5:buy really old classic games from wii shop ( NES, SNES, nintendo 64, sega, master system, and much more systems/games to buy) there only 500 wii points to 1000 wii points

    (when people say the wii is for babys, its not so dont listen to them) the wii is for 10 & Up


    1:good online play

    2:no good games

    3:good graphics

  7. It Depends on what type of gamer you are.

    If you like to play online and like fps get 360.

    If you like to play fun games with family and friends get the wii.

  8. I'll be honest, I'd say get a PS3. However, if that's not an option then I'd get a 360. I'm an owner of all three so I hope you can trust my opinion.

    The motion sensing in the Wii leaves something to be desired. The fact that they're releasing that add-on for the Wiimote proves my point on this one. However, if you had a PS1/2/Xbox then I'm sure you'd be comftorable with the 360 controller.

    As for games, it depends on your age. If you're older and you had a NES/SNES/N64 then you might prefer the Wii games more, as they're still going with the old Pokemon/Mario/Sonic formula, along with a few other new IPs, but the "best" games seem to be the three I just mentioned. Whilst I love Pokemon I can't stand Mario, so that's opinion based.

    360 tends to produce new IPs, usually FPS, some TPF and Horror games, not to many strategy games. The 360 also comes with 20 arcade games that you may like. It's still a matter of opinion. You may not like shooters at all.

    Graphics, I don't think you need explaining. The Wii might have had potential if it had come packed with HD leads, but it didn't. I don't like the Wii graphics, but gameplay > graphics.

    My advice: play someone else's console for a while. Not just a few minutes as you may get the wrong impression, but spend a good 6 hours on each before making a decision. Most things I've listed are variables that you need to work out and choose for yourself. My advice overall is 360, but you may come to hate that in the end.

    One extra point about 360 is that if you get the Elite you get the 120gb HDD. This can be used for data storage, such as videos and music. However, since you didn't list the PS3 as a choice the Elite may be out the price range of whoever is buying it.

    I'm sure you'll be happy with whatever you choose. Just have fun :)

  9. Are you freaking retarded or are you 10 years old?

    Get a 360.

    Seriously...are you retarded? Also for the person who said that the 360 doesn't have any good games....your parents regret making you.

  10. They are both very different consoles, almost impossible to compare. I would suggest that you consider whether you are gaming to be active or gaming to play serious games with heavy hardware demands. Basically the 360 will smash the Wii for graphics, but the Wii will appeal to families more than the 360 which is better for games such as COD4 and other action games. The Wii however is unbeatable for sports games as you can actually be part of that game.

    However, I would solidly recommend getting the new PS3 80GB if you choose the 360. This is because the format war was won by Sony and Sony are therefore in a much more advantageous position because they own the format which is going to replace DVD. Also the online mode on the PS3 (the PlayStation Network) is completely free of charge just to play games unlike the £40 price tag of the 360s live service which is an annual fee. I have played on both and the two are very similar to eachother with equal amounts of pros and cons.

    Therefore, I suggest you either get a PS3 or a Wii and forget the 360. The PS3 incidentally is the same price as a 360 soon as Sony have made the new PS3 considerably cheaper.

    If you have any queries please don't hesitate to email me.


  11. 360

  12. get a wii !!!!!!!!!!! :)

  13. Wii is a good console and graphics are decent, wii has probably widest variety of games but not many FPS's YET, but has free online play and pretty soon will have online chat with wiispeak. games are great, and has an internet browser for 5$ WHICH IM CURRENTLY USING

    I had both side by side at best buy and i did not regret my purchase!!!

    Oh and Ferrari challenge Trofeo pirreli will be a great realistic racing game for the wii

  14. wii if fun for more people and  invites more people to interact more because of the Wii sensor that you actuall move the controller in the air and the character on the screen copies your movement. The 360 doesn't have this feature and is like all the other games just sit down controllers. The games are more cartoonish on the Wii and is more targeted to teen and younger audience but everyone will have fun using the Wii. Games are simple and easy to understand and very fun and addicting.

    On the other hand games for the 360 are more geared towared the older teens to adults who like to play super realistic games with very good graphics but games are more complicated and takes more time to learn and harder to beat.

    Right now the hottest selling item is the Wii because the 360 has been out longer everyone who wanted the 360 pretty much already ones one. The Wii just game out last fall and is still in high demand and many stores are still selling out and can't even keep the Wii in stock for more than a few days if even that. The Wiis are so popular they are selling more than the retail price because of their high demand whereas the 360 can be found anywhere and on ebay for less than retail.

    This christmas the Wii will probably be the system with the highest demand by far and will be the most sought after system. Maybe buy two or three Wiis right now and sell the rest thi christmas and make enough money that your original Wii is paid for from the selling of the other units.

  15. you should totally get the wii!!! you could be a child or senior person and still have fun with it. plus there always making new additions for the wii like that microphone thing.

  16. Get An Xbox 360....

  17. get a wii it is most coolest thing in the world u move about all my friend have them  

  18. I think you shold get the wii has I think you will enjoy it playing it more .the wii has one of best games out there even The Legend Of Zelda and mario in which only wii gets! the wii has many games it aready has more games than the xbox 360 ! everybody want a wii cause its the most fun system out there nobody wants a xbox 360 becuase you have to pay for everything even online! the wii has sold way more than the xbox 360 beucse they are the best out of the best!

  19. Wii! its great fun for everyone. I haven't had so much fun playing these games for a long time. Its good cos everyone can get involved and it involves you more, where as the other games like the 360 or psp's playstation...well you sit and watch others play.

    Got the wii fit this weekend and its be great fun to do with the family.! would recommend it.

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