
Should i get a Dwarf Hamster or a Gerbil?

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I have a Syrian Hamster and i really like her, but i want a pet that is social and could live with other of the same species. But, the only thing i dont like about hamsters is that they smell and are nocturnal. Should i get 2 dwarf hamsters or 2 Gerbils?




  1. Hamsters won't smell if they have a clean cage.

    Dwarf hamsters need to be socialized every day. If they aren't handled for even two weeks they will go back to being wild. Syrians can be tamed and stay tame forever but dwarfs are not like that. Dwarfs are harder to socialize and are usually not the friendliest pets in the world. They are pretty entertaining though. Even though these hamsters are very active, they're still basically nocturnal.

    Gerbils are not nocturnal and tend to just crash when they're tired. This means that your gerbils will be up and awake a lot! They're patient and friendly.Obviously, they need to be kept in a pair at least. They're easy to take care of! Since they're desert animals, they go to the bathroom less than hamsters do. If you have two gerbils together for a long time and introduce a third, they will be more likely to kill the new gerbil. But, gerbils are fun pets if you want pets that can be kept together. They establish their own clans and it's very fun to watch them interact together as a clan. Clans are best established if you get gerbils no older than two months. If they're older and you keep them together it's harder to get them used to each other.

    I would say a gerbil would be much better, although both pets are pretty great.

    I have included a link about dwarfs and a link about gerbils.

  2. As an owner of two gerbils, i would highly recommend gerbils. They are considered nocturnal but are often awake during the day, as long as its not early morning, and they sleep most of the night. They also smell less as they originated from the dry, desert meaning they drink less so they have less urine than a hamster. Best of all, most people will RECOMMEND that you keep at least two (same-sexed) gerbils together, they are very social. They are super active (unless they are sleeping, but easy to wake up!), and even though it takes about 3 weeks to get them hand tamed (to pick up and take outside cage) soon they will trust you!

  3. I got gerbils because I heard they didn't smell as much and that they got along better. I had a hamster when i was younger, but it was a lot of work....

    They both smell, all rodents do, and are both active during the night. You have to get two gerbils because they need companions. And my experience with the gerbils was that they don't like being held. but that may have just been mine. I was able to hold my hamster, somewhat but it  bit a lot.

    Also, if you end up getting gerbils, make sure it's two males, because females fight, and males and females breed.

    It all depends on what you like more, because they are both a lot of work!

  4. Dwarf hamsters!

    Dalmatian Dwarf Hamsters are cute and social. They are what I have. and dwarf hamsters are so tiny and sweet!

    Good luck,


  5. 2 gerbils definitely! Dwarf hamsters can get lost really easily.  They die sooner than regular hamsters.  They are harder to take care of.  They catch diseases easily.  If you become attached to animals really soon, get a gerbil.


  6. Dwarf hamsters bite my friend Madison has one but i have gerbils and they dont bite meaning you can handel them more!


  7. Hamsters are nocturnal. Some of them go to the bathroom wherever they want. However, I have known some that go in one spot. Anyways, going all over the place spreads the smell. My gerbils, they both only go into one corner. My friend, her dwarf hamster bites a lot, and my gerbils only nibbled on me once. That was just to check whether or not I was food. Also, they are no nocturnal. They sleep for a few hours, get up for a few hours, get up, sleep. Gerbils are the RIGHT way to go. Also, gerbils are way better at getting along with others. If you get them, you'll just love watching them giving each other baths. Sometimes, it might look like they're fighting. The only time you should be concerned about them being together is if you see them curled together in a tight ball, or if you see blood or teeth marks. If that's no it, than it's probably just play fight, giving each other baths, or requesting a bath. They also are more curious and stuff. And, you can trust them when you let them climb all over your body. Gerbils are the right choice!

  8. I suggest getting hamsters.  I have owned both and Gerbils seem like they are more moody, and some are just down right mean.  Although it varies based on the animal, hamsters seem (to me) to have a generally overall better temperament.  I also think hamsters are better looking.

    Hope this helps

  9. If you don't like that hamsters smell and are nocturnal, two gerbils may be a better choice for you. I chose my gerbils over a hamster mainly due to the fact that they're social, don't smell much, and aren't nocturnal. I love my gerbils. I can go 2-3 weeks without cleaning their tank out. Even then, it doesn't smell much. They adore each other.

    I would recommend you do a little research on both dwarf hamsters and gerbils. Choose the one that best fits what you're looking for in a pet and the care you can provide.

    If you'd like more information on gerbils or have any questions, feel free to e-mail me. I'd be happy to answer them for you.

  10. I like gerbils, I think they're more fun because they have SOO much energy. You may spend more money on gerbils in the long run though, because they chew uncontrollably.

  11. NEVER get two hamsters in the same cage. They will fight or have babies...or if they're two of the same gender they may eat each other. I do reccomend gerbils because dwarf hamsters have been known to attack and bite and run awawy. Even though gerbils are sometimes evil you would be better off with two gerbils because they enjoy each other''s company, and get nicer. Gerbils are also nocternal... but very active during the day aswell. I recomend a rat if you dont like gerbil's personality. they are great pets!

    PS: dwarf hamsters cant live with each other.

  12. i just bought my bf a hamster yesterday

    its adorable, i suggest that hamsters

    but make sure you treat it right so it does not bite

  13. I had both. I suggest the gerbil. Here's why:

    1. The Gerbil is better for handling

    2. The Gerbil is cleaner than hamsters (less urine)

    3. The Gerbil is sociable (my dwarf hamster would never let me pet him)

    4. The Gerbil doesn't bite alot (my dwarf hamster bit alot and very hard)

    5. The Gerbil is not super fast (the dwarf hamster was like a bullet)

    The Gerbil is better all around. The dwarf hamster was basically just for show in its cage. It was mean and it would escape alot. The gerbil is very easy to care for.

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