
Should i get a Kitchen sets for my 2 year old

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my daughter is 2 year old and i was wondering if i should go out and spend the money on kitchen set for my 2 year old for christmas? or if its just a wast of money. some one told me if i don;t get her one she wont know what to do in life.. i think that's bull and i will teach her about cooking when she is older. do you think i am doing the right thing?




  1. I think you should get one. I am planning on getting one when my children are a little bit older. (Maybe Christmas).. If you dont want to spend a lot of money on it. Try   or ebay with local pick up to save a little.   You do not have to buy her one if you don't want to. Don't think it is a must have for every child. It is just fun for their imagination.  

  2. Wow, is cooking that important?  Why don't you teach her how to spell?  (oops)...   I think you should get her a doctor's kit or something more constructive.  Everybody knows how to use kitchen stuff so don't waste time on that, go for something more challenging.

  3. Two's love to imitate what the grownups do. She'd probably love it. If you stock it with toy foods and pots and pans she can learn a lot about colors, the names of things, sequencing and lots of other important subjects-all while playing. It will be an even richer experience if you play with her. After she's had that for a while move on to a toy workbench so she can practice even more skills she will need when she gets older.

  4. My sisters got her daughter one when she was 16 months old and she loves it. Whenever im visiting I notice she plays with it and "cooks" when her mommy is cooking. Its really cute. Well I dont think its a waste of money. Its very fun for them and its not something that will get boring after 20 minutes. Its also something you'd be able to do with your daughter(i.e. tea parties, her making you "food").

  5. Yea, Omg. I Abosoulety LOVED My Kitchen Set. It Kept Me Busy For Hours. My Mom Said, I Use 2 Invite Her In & Cook Her Meals lolz. I Always Use 2 Have My Own Little Tea Parties And Stuff. I Think She'll Love It. Good Luck!

  6. The answer to your question depends on how developed your child's fine motor skills are and if it would be an interest to her. You don't want to waste money on a kitchen set and her just simply walk away from it. Personally, I nanny for a two year old girl and she loves her kitchen set. She runs over and places the pretend food on plates and then pretends to eat it after placing it on the table. In all reality it helps your child develop coordination and brain stimulation. It may not seem like it, but  your child is using quite a bit of brain stimulation. They have to think about the steps in preparing the food and presenting it while playing. Plus an added bonus is they get to learn how to clean up after themselves when they are done. Hope this helps!

    If you have any future questions maybe my site can help you.

  7. get her the set. she will enjoy it and she is only a child once. once these years are gone you cant get them back.

  8. I got one for my then 2 year old son last year...only because he loved the one at day care so much.  He still plays with it a year later and enjoys making mommy and daddy meals.  I don't think it teaches children any life lessons...but if your child seems interested in one and wants one, then go ahead and get it.

  9. Two years old is too young.  We got the kitchen set for our granddaughter at age two and she was not interested.  Now she is nearly three and shows an interest when she has a cousin visiting, but I can't help but think if we waited and got it later she would have warmed up to it better.

    Obviously many children do learn what is expected of them whether or not they have a kitchen set, because many children never get one.

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