
Should i get a canary or finch?

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i think both birds are fastinating,and i have a cage and toys,but i was wondering if i should get 2 fiches or one canary,casue canarys arent socable with other canary,right?would 2 finches be cheaper?wicth would need a larger cage? if i put 2 finches,male and femlae,will they bred ? would it be bad to put 2 canarys together?which should iget canary or finches?




  1. I would get a Canary because a finch just really hops around and is scared of you.


  3. finches get scared really easily and so youll probably never really have much fun with them, so i would choose the canary. im not sure if 2 canaries in one cage is bad, but it should be ok. if you only get one, though, he/she could get really lonely and bored when you go away.  

  4. get a canary, 1 bird is better than two, less mess, less food, less toys, plus canaries are better because males are known for their songs and whistles. Plus finches need larger cages because they like to fly around with the flock. Canaries will do good in a small-medium sized budgie cage.

    Good luck =)

  5. You should get a canary, male ones will sing but a female wont, don't put to males together in a small cage [aviary is good] as they will fight and not sing at all. Another reason as to why u should get a canary is that they are more interactive than finches [and sound better too]. u can get both male and female if ur cage is big enough [1 canary= medium sized cage, 1.5 ft cubed] I breed them in an outdoor aviary, my males whistle and sing all day. If u do get a male and female ur male may not sing. A common canary [yellow] will be around $30. although u can most probably by from a private breeder for less[$20] .two basic zebra finches may cost bout $20[they're just ur little basic ones].for other more colour full varieties u may need a lisence depending on the type and will cost more than a canary.    

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