
Should i get a ferret or rat?

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i like the fact that ferrets are apparently very intelligent:)

are rats?

which would be more easy and inexpensive to look after?

are rats also fun and playful? do they poo everywhere??




  1. both poo everywhere, but I think you should get a ferret and rats are gross..  

  2. ferret

  3. I don't like any of those  

  4. Ok, i have a rat (get a girl- boys tend to smell more - ive had both) yes they are smart, yes they do poo everywhere (im lucky mine just tends to poo in one area of her cage)

    Im getting a ferret and have done some research: they are not for the faint-hearted, they need lots of play time to stimulate there minds

  5. Rats are also intelligent but I think ferrets are more fun and playful.  They can be litter box trained which will keep them from pooing everywhere.  They also live longer than rats.  However, they are probably more expensive to keep because they need a larger cage, they need vaccinations, their food is more expensive.  But I still think they are the better choice.  I have 2 now but I've had as many as 5 in the past.

  6. i can only tell you about rats, because i own two. rats would be less expensive than a ferret and easier to look after, but they need just as much attention. they have different personalities. one of mine is very playful wheres my younger one is a bit shy. rats can be very easily toilet trained, my rats never poo or wee when they are out of their cage. also, rats should always live in at least pairs!!

    no animal is 'easy' to look after, and dont forget to look up common illnesses! rats are prone to tumors and males often need desexing, so vet bills will be something. Also think about lifespan, i think rats live much shorter lives than ferrets.

    basically rats are very fun and easy to train and cheaper than ferrets, but maybe ferrets casn learn more?

    hope u work sumfin out!


  7. I would say a ferret, because when i was little i used to have a couple of them and they were very fun and playful and i think that rats use the bathroom more but no 100% sure never had a rat.

  8. You're going to be shelling out a TON of money for a ferret.  It will need an enclosure that is probably as tall as you, and very wide.  You'll need to buy food every week, since they basically eat every hour.  You will need toys, hammocks, blankets, litter, litter boxes, treats, flea spray, nail clippers, special cage cleaner, cage liners, special shampoo and conditioner, and a LOT of time.  I spend 100-200 on my ferret each month.  They also absolutely have to have vaccinations, and vet check ups, just like a dog or cat.  And you have to give them at least four hours out of the cage each day, or they will become depressed and sick.  Ferret-proofing your home can be extremely expensive, too, since you will have to find ways to block every single opening that your ferret could possibly find.  Its really time consuming.. and you have to buy child-proof locks and whatnot.

    Now, with a rat... I've found that they're extremely easy to care for, and they don't smell bad at all!  They're also VERY intelligent.  Mine is much smarter than my little ferret ;)   Rats are also very social and create very strong bonds with their owners.  They're very lovable little guys.  

    So all in all.. if you adopt a ferret.  Prepare yourself, because you will basically be taking care of a 2-year-old for 10 years, although it is very rewarding.  Rats are just simpler.

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