
Should i get a gastric band?

by  |  earlier

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i have to loose a lot, my bmi is 44, and i don't have the will power that lasts or the support to continue on a diet or lifestyle change for longer than 6 months. I have been large most of my life, and i hate it. I don't like the way i feel or the way it effects my health.

Anyway, i have looked into getting a gb and i have found forums where i have spoken to lots of post op patients and they seem to be doing well! People think that its lazy and that all i have to do is make some changes, but they are not the ones who have over 10st to loose are they? Do they know what it is like being fat, its not like i can hide from it. And if i had a big birth mark on my face, or a really big nose then i am sure people would be more supportive if i was to get cosmetic surgery, and being fat is something you cant cover up!

So i've got a loan out and i am going to get the gb but just want to hear from people to see what they think? Any support would be nice too!?






  1. I think its absolutely your decision, but personally it would be my very last resort if I needed to lose weight.

    I don't actually know enough about it to lecture you or anything like that - once you have one do you have it forever? Or just temporarily to lose the weight? Because the idea of never being able to eat more than a few mouthfuls of anything would put me off entirely. I love going out to eat!

    Good luck with it and I hope you get the results you want :o)

  2. Hey, if you think that getting a gastric band will make you feel more comfortable with yourself then do it. Normally i would say, 'Try and do it yourself' but as you have said, unlike me, you dont have much willpower. I remember asking my mum for one when i was younger and she said 'NO!', because she thought i was stupid, and i tell you what, if i had the choice i would have got one.

    Good Luck Love Lucy xx

  3. Having surgery is a big step to take. This will be permanent and will affect you for the rest of your life, even when you are thin. I suggest you research ALL methods of weight loss before choosing the most drastic.

    There are pharmacological methods to assist in weight loss. Have you tried any? Such tablets as Orlistat, Sibutramine and Rimonabant. These inhibit fat absorption, depress the appetite and inhibit the 'pleasure' of eating bad foods respectively. I sincerely suggest you explore these options before taking the surgery route. The tablets can really help support you with eating healthily and if you add a bit of exercise to the routine the weight should fall off you.

    In my opinion it's worth trying all available options before opting to go under the knife. Surgery carries loads of risks with it and shouldnt be entered into lightly.

    All the best.  

  4. If that's what you want to do, then good luck! I am currently trying to lose weight, and am getting there. I just take my dog out walking for an hour or two every evening, and walk places rather than taking the bus etc. It's amazing how quickly the weight falls off. I've also stopped taking sugar in my tea and salt on my dinner etc. Little changes like that make a huge difference. Within weeks, everyone commented on my weight-loss, and that was before I got the dog!

    Personally, I think the money would be better spent on a gym membership than a gastric band, or even a personal trainer - but that's just my personal opinion. I know how depressing being overweight can be, so I think you should just do whatever makes you happy.

    Also, with regards to your comment about having a big nose or a birth mark - nothing can be done about those, hence surgery being the only answer. People are less sympathetic of someone being overweight because you can exercise and diet to change your situation. Exercising and dieting can't reduce the size of someone's nose or remove a birth mark, but I'm sure if it were possible, people in such situations would try anything before going under the knife.

    I also have awful will power, but I have always believed that you have to work hard to get what you want, so surgery wouldn't even be an option for me. I feel more satisfied knowing that I have achieved what I want through my own hard work and effort.

  5. If you've done your research into this type of surgery (and remember, this is a big thing you're going to do), then I would say "go for it".

    I have had friends who, like you, were needing to loose from 4 - 11 stone in weight, and it wasn't just down to overeating!!  

    You need to set yourself a healthy eating regime once you are through the surgery, and also ask your doc to set up a fitness plan for you as well.  This will help you to get in shape and get your heart healthy again.

    I know it must be tough.  I have been lucky enough to be slim most of my life - and it's only when I don't exercise that I put on a little extra at the hips.  Good luck!!

  6. Pros

    really quick way to loose weight and has a fast healing rate

    Makes you feel queezy about certain unhealthy foods like meat and bread


    you cant eat to quickly or you throw up

    you cant eat to much or you throw up

    but you still have to do some exercise to have good blood flow and all that

  7. if you feel happy about it then go for it, only thing is is that if you loose weight to quickly you'll end up with all the spare skin and probably have to go under the knife again

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