
Should i get a guinea pig or a rabbit, based on these circumstances?

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i'll want to hold my pet, but i hear that rabbits do not like to be held. i've had a guinea pig before when i was younger (he died) and want to get either another or a rabbit when i move into an apartment (no dogs allowed, otherwise i'd just get a dog). i also hear that rabbits need neutering or spaying; how much does that cost? i do plan to spend time and bond with my pet; so which would make a better pet? rabbit or piggy? thanks in advance!




  1. Well, Guinea Pigs as well as Rabbits are pretty shy animals. I would go with a Guinea Pig, Rabbits are alot of work, and Piggies are just as great.

    They are both very loving...Good luck with whatever you choose :)

  2. I think your best bet is a guinea pig because you are in a apartment and there might not be enough room for the rabbit to exercise. Rabbits can't stay caged in alot of the time. They need exercise lack of could lead to obesity, foot dermatitis, poor bone density, poor muscle tone, urinary infections, and behavioral problems.


    These sites can help you with guinea pigs. can help you with rabbits.

    I have both and for a place you wont own, I would look into guinea pigs over rabbits. Rabbits eat everything, they have eaten the carpet and the baseboards.

    If you really want a rabbit, then rabbit proof the apartment and get a rabbit. Look into building an NIC cage. If you want to put a bottom on the cage can tell you where to get choroplast(plastic cardboard).

    I suggest setting aside some money for emergencies and repairs. They will eat anything. Mine have gotten to three lamps so now they follow the sunlight that comes in and the baseboards are chewed along with carpet.

    It depends on which s*x you get whether you fix or not and how much it cost. A female will cost more to fix, but I would only fix her if you get another rabbit. Males should be fixed. The male I had, given there was a "female" nearby, sprayed and everything. We sadly couldnt let him adjust to his new surroundings before getting him fixed. The behavior stopped afterwards and bunny girl was much happier.

    They need hay 24/7. They prefer to actually get in the hay, atleast mine do. I leave a basket out full of it for them to get in, its become their litter box.

    Bonding is something I didnt really get to do with my rabbits. It is true they bond to eachother more, but I was personally ok with that. They trust me, but they dont like to be picked up.

    Either would make a great pet as long as you spend time bonding with it, especially if you are only going to get one. I had a guinea pig that would come to me when called didnt mind being picked up, and didnt really sqeak that loud, it was more of a whisper. When I got her, I spent a lot of time with her and she just got really used to humans.

  4. if a rabbit is what that much i would get what i really wanted.

  5. if i were u i wud go for a rabbit. Rabbits are way more lovable then guinea pigs . If you have a female rabbit she will handle better and wont scratch as much as a male. you only really need to have the males neutered because it will calm them down unless you have a male and female rabbits then they will both need neutering and spaying. I hope this has Helped!!!

  6. I say get a rabbit, it's the pet you really want and they are lovely animals, much better than guinea pigs. I personally want another one myself but i can't while i'm still at uni.

    The rabbits i owned in the past when i was little didn't mind being held at all and were all so docile, (you could hold mine like babies). They're also a lot more cute and fluffy and not so fidgety, jumpy and squeaky when being held. Also they don’t always run away when you go near them.

    There is no need to neuter or spay a rabbit so you can buy it some treats instead, they will like this much more and it'll help the bonding.

    The rabbit will need to be let out for some exercise, will you have a garden? If not you could always just let it run around the apartment and even house train your rabbit if you have the time. I wouldn't recommend getting a rabbit lead to take it for a walk, as i've found out this doesn't work they just climb out of it.

    So rabbits make the better pets in my opinion and that’s the pet you should get.

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