
Should i get a job at a fastfood place?

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Iam really picky,I really dont wanna be in that type of workplace, but I really need a job :(




  1. you should try a resturant

  2. it is just a tempary job until you find a job that best suits you.  you will eventually find the job for you.  in the mean time you have tempary money from your tempary job.....right.  go for the job, and look for the right one for you.  it will not be easy to handle sometimes, but keep in mind it is only tempary and it is also good experience as well.  good luck.

  3. nope. the pay sucks and you do all the dirty work. try hotel banquet. its more class and the food tastes better too.

  4. no you should not work there. have you tried a music?

  5. You can try Starbucks because it's better than McDonalds.

  6. money is money the economy suck so if you can get the job work it until a better one comes along.

  7. Sure!

    If you like acne and fat.

  8. get a job at like crackel barrel

  9. I suggest somewhere else. You get treated like c**p in a fast food restaurant and if you become a cashier, you are going to have to be prepared for whiny as people complaining to you that their order wasn't right or something. Or you will probably be mopping the floors and cleaning the restrooms and the kids place. Go apply to a grocery store or something.

  10. Honestly, I think you should take what you can get.  If you are young with no experience, fast food is the perfect place to start.  It will teach you what it's like to work hard for your money and you will appreciate it a whole lot more.  And I think you'll have more respect for service workers.  Not saying that you don't already, but many people don't realize or have forgotten what it's really like.

  11. I mean it can't hurt; it's money.  I would do it until you can find a more stable, professional job.  It can't hurt to make a little $ while trying to get your finances straight again/in-between jobs/whatever.

  12. sure go and try it out.. it might not be as bad as you think..  my children all started out working fast food.  it is good money and a good place to start!

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