
Should i get a kissing gourami?

by  |  earlier

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I want 2 of them but how big of a tank do you need.Or i might get a

red cap oranda .How big do red capped orandas get.And how big of a tank should i get for them.And the kissing gourami how big could they get.Also answer my question on what kind of goldfish?




  1. Kissing gourami are a bit aggressive with each other so I wouldn't get 2 but if you want the oranda it should have a 10-20 gallon tank

  2. Kissing gourami are a bit aggressive with each other so I wouldn't get 2 but if you want the oranda it should have a 10-20 gallon tank

  3. Kissing gouramis are great fish I have one in my tank right now. They can get approx 6 in. but they come to recognize you like a dog/cat would do. 2 of them in a tank isn't a problem just make sure you have places to hide and that they are about the same size. A 20 gal would be fine for them and you could add some more fish in as well. I'm more of a warm water person sorry I can't help you with the goldfish but deffinately look into kissing gouramis they are great fish!

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