
Should i get a lawyer or not?

by  |  earlier

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ok i stole some stuff from a store and got caught so i just left the stuff and i thought i got away but then a detective called me yesterday and wants me to go in and talk with him. should i go in and tell him i want a lawyer and i am not saying anything until i do or should i just confess. i want to get out of this as bad as it sounds i do. i am trying to join the marines and this is not going to help so yeah.




  1. I had a similiar incident happen to me.  I stole some money at work and my boss called and said a detective wanted to talk to me.  I didn't want to talk to him, but I prayed and I felt it was best to be honest.  I did meet the detective a couple of times and I confessed my crimes.  Then I got indicted by a grand jury and I am waiting for my final pretrial conference, praying they will give me some other form of punishment besides jail since I am a non violent first time offender.  If I had it to do over again, however, I wouldn't have spoke to the detective before I talked to my lawyer.  Because after I finally did get a lawyer, she told me anything I told her was between her and I, but anything I told the detective was fair game.  So trust me when I say, do not speak to any detective before you speak to your lawyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. NOT go there without one. They have a weak case, IF they had a strong case they wouldn't "ask" you to come in...they would come & get you

  3. I would say no.  If you are being asked to talk, on your own time, then you should be pretty safe for now.  Later on, if formal charges are filed, or if you get arrested, then you should contact one.  Why pay for an expensive lawyer when you might not need it?  You should be able to figure out what questions you want to answer and which ones you might not want to.

  4. Wanting to be a Marine and shoplifting Nice move!  You should plan before you move but obviously you didn't do this.  A lawyer isn't going to do anything but waste your parents money.  You did the crime and it would be best to be cooperative with the authorities and you will end up probably being sued by the store to boot.  Like i said Nice Move!

  5. Call and retain a lawyer now.  If you go to talk with the detective, do so only with your lawyer present.  Otherwise, say nothing.  give the detective only your name, otherwise sit mute.  Simply do not speak.  When you hear the words, "Anything you say..."  they mean ANYTHING.  If you did not leave the store with the items, there was no theft.  Do it again, though, and you are on your own, so get your head out of your backside.  You want to be a Marine, act like it.

  6. Confess. I do not want you in the Marines if you cannot stop yourself form stealing.

    If you're a juvenile, all will be forgotten at 18.

    I like what this poster wrote: "If I had it to do over again, however, I wouldn't have spoke to the detective before I talked to my lawyer."

    If you had to do it over, wouldn't you have chosen to EMBEZZLE the money?

  7. It is your right to ask for a lawyer so I would take advantage of that, whether you confess or not.

  8. Well you can forget about joining the marines.

  9. Be responsible....take your punishment,and learn from it.. now!

  10. YOU SAID you got caught, what happen? They let you go? What does the detective want from you since you left the stuff where you found it? How come you were caught for carrying something that wasn't there? What kind of statement is this?

    You have to clarify with these detective on the telephone why you have to meet him? What is this frame-up? He will ask you to pay him or else you will go to jail? What you need is not a lawyer but cooperation from another police department esp. internal affair to entrap this detective and catch him. You should confess but with police officers on your side to catch this detective. I KNOW WHY the detective is trying to meet you he will definitely ask for money in exchange for your freedom, this is against the law. The detective can be charge criminally and administratively for his scheme of milking you with money.

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