
Should i get a mouse or a gerbil??

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for a small pet and i think a mouse or a gerbil would do. But which one?? i really don't know i want a pet that wont run away and that likes to be handled and rarely bites.

P.S I cant get a hamster cz i had one and i want something different and i cant have a guinea pig cz it takes a lot of space and i cant have a rat cz my mom doesn't like them




  1. Get a gerbil, mice can't rarely be handled, well as least mine can't. Gerbils mostly won't bite.

  2. Go for a kitten. More play value, clean themselves, can use the bathroom  outside or in a litter box, no smell, will let you know if they're hungry, hurt etc.

  3. Gerbil!! im not that fond to mice...

    or just get a dog. they are funnier to have around

  4. mouse, they smell less

  5. Mouse $1.29 , Gerbil $7.49 the faces on my kidz when they clean up rodent p**p ........Priceless

  6. Gerbils are kinda cute.  Not sure of life span but mice only live for 2 years :(

  7. RATS!! i have two and i love them! there really smart you can teach them tricks and enter them in contests! the best place to get them is petsmart! get a REALLY big cage and colored bedding dot forget a play pen! but dont leave them alone in the play pen the might climb out .... if rats creep u out then get a fancy rat NOT A BLUE rat. i have 2 female fancy and blue! there names are blue and blondie the respond to there names and go depressed with out eachother get two and clean there cage 1 thime a week ! they may sound like work but they rock!

    get rats!!

    have fun!!!!!!!!

  8. Gerbil.

  9. i breed gerbils so im gona say gerbils but look at these characteristics


    dont run off

    never bite

    cleaner (then mice)

    can be taught to sit on shoulder etc

    live longer then mice



    dont live as long


    very hard to tame

    dont bite

    cheaper (then gerbils)

    BUT both should be in pairs or groups and its best to have a fish tank or vivarium as bar cages mice can fit throuh and gerbils chew barsand can hurt there nose

  10. GERBIL!!!! Have a nice day!

  11. i have a mouse and they are really cute but gerbils are more entertaining, i would go with the gerbil

  12. That's too bad, rats are fun!

    Mice are boring. I've never had a gerbil but I'd say go for one of those!

  13. Gerbils are friendly and extremely curious.  They don't bite often, usually when they first meet you and aren't sure what you are and if you might be edible.  If you get a gerbil, though, you should buy two because they are very social and get lonely by themselves.  Make sure they're both boys or both girls or you will end up with many more gerbils.  

  14. MOUSE

    Gerbils are fast, will nibble everything and are very bouncy.

    Mice are fast and small, nibble everything but less bouncy.

  15. get a dog or cat...much cleaner

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