
Should i get a night job as well as my day job? ?

by  |  earlier

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im 19 and i already work fulltime. however im in $5000 debt (AUS) and dont earn too much. should i get a second job working at night jsut so i can get out of debt asap or will this make me extremely rundown and unhappy? do any of you work two jobs? how do you find it?




  1. Listen, you don't want 2 jobs unless one job is a part time job. I know it can be hard when you are in debt, but maybe look for a new job that pays more, or ask for a raise; just don't overwork yourself because then you will do both jobs poorly and may end up with no job. Hang in there; save a certain amount of money from each pay check, even if it's a small amount; there is an end in sight.  

  2. that depends upon ur health.

    there is no doubt about it

    a 2nd job WILL lower the quality

    of your health and even cause

    other problems

    don't kill yourself.

    if u can find one job that is better paying,

    that may be ur solution.

    if u have to have a 2nd job, then work from


    there are at least 5 good places that hire.

    i have not done a search recently but try



    alpine ?

    various airlines



  3. what I would do is keep your day job and work at night every 2nd day of the week. you do need some rest sometimes.

  4. I own an international network marketing business that builds residual income on the side of a full time job, that way I am not only able to make extra money to do with what I want like paying off student loans, but I also get to build an income that will be there even if I stopped working. I also get to pick my own hours! Something like that could be good for you. check out this website, you never know, it has definitely changed my life!  

  5. Yes you can work on nights also

    work the whole week and then enjoy the weekends.

  6. Honey I understand what you are saying . I would always say two jobs are for two people.....then the economy changed. If getting a night jobs is in your options then doing it for a little while might prove to be most prosperous. If nothing more use it to help clear some of your debt then stop.

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