
Should i get a nintendo ds or psp for this upcoming christmas?

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i dont know what to get




  1. PSP.

    The PSP is a lot more than game-playing, it's also an MP3 player!

    Trust me I have a Nintendo DS, DS Lite, and a PSP.

    They're all easy to use.

    Although, if you want Pictochat (Chatting with DS users a few feet away from you) and the touch screen,then get a DS.

    But the graphics on a DS are pretty gameboy-ish but they have two brighter screens.

    I'd recommend a PSP.

  2. I like the DS and it has games for all ages not just children.

    Some games like nintendog have great graphics.  They look like real dogs and is voice activated,  you pat them with the stylisted and take them for walks and play at the park.  There are competion to earn more money.  

    There are plenty of mind games like doing cross words, sukudo and brain training.  along with my coach series.

    Also old favourite like Mario and Sonic.


  3. it is based of personal preference. if you like action games and also want an MP3 player, get the PSP. if you want an interactive game system with a variety of games, get a DS.

  4. it mabey psp because it has better graphics also this chrismas the psp prices will lower. psp more expensived

    psp is better

  5. it depends on what kind of games you like and what kind of graphics you are looking for. psp has better graphics and more games that appeal to older audiences such as grand theft auto. nintendo ds has less impressive graphics but more games that appeal to a younger audience. both systems have a wireless multiplayer capability. i personally would go with the psp.

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