
Should i get a pet rat or guinea pig

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can someone tell me the good qualities and bad qualities of haveing either of those pets




  1. guinea pig all the way.. i like rats.. but.. idk.. just get a ginea pig

  2. Neither. You should either get TWO rats of the same s*x or TWO guinea pigs of the same s*x. Both animals are too social to be kept alone, they must be kept with same species, same s*x company.

    Do some research and decide which, if either, is best for you: (My website)

  3. Guinea pigs are Adorable, communicative, snuggly, loving, they don't bite and if they do its just a nibble, not that expensive, don't have to worry about toys like; hamster wheels/balls unless u wanna break ur piggies spine and kill it, and they know not to go on you unless they are REALLY scared OR they have an accident like mine did last night, but i held her for like an hour

    Rats are more prone to disease, but intelligent


  4. guinea pig! i have a rat and i hate it!

  5. i have 17 rats and they are awesome pets...i would suggest a rat they are more friendly and have more of a personality...guinea pigs seem to be more nervous and fearful of humans..

  6. i think you should get a pet guinea pig

  7. whatever u like more. they are both equal in care and everything. guinea pigs can be more interesting though i think

  8. Guinea pig definately :] they are so sweet! they just want to cuddle with you all the time! the only downside is that they take about a week to adapt to their new home, but once they're settled in and they get to know you they can become a great companion! :D

    Have fun with whatever you choose :)

  9. i don't like neither of them i would get a bird or a dog

  10. Rats a more intelligent get a rat

  11. guinea pig

    people will think you are odd if you get rats

    and they are associated with disease

  12. Rat---they're way easier to take care of, they are smarter, and they are easier to tame and train than guinea pigs.  Rats can even learn tricks just like dogs can!

  13. The good and bad depends on what you are looking for. Guinea pigs ideally need to be outside for atleast part of the day as they need vit D, and they need a large cage, like rabbits. They are pretty nervous and shy animals as they are prey animals, so they will require a lot of patience to be made tame.

    Rats are far more sociable and do not need to the outside bit. However, because they are so socialible and interactive, they do need your attention a lot. They will want to play and be let outside their cage to run around. They do not need cages as large as guinneapigs but they like them to be quite high so they can climb.

    In short, rats need a lot of time, but medium amount of space, guinea pigs need a lot of space but do not require a lot of attention unless you want them tame.  

  14. i've never had a guinea pig, so i don't know anything about them, but i have three rats and they are wonderful pets.  ultimately it's up to you to make the decision, but i would suggest doing a lot of research on both animals before you decide.  some people on this website have given you really false and prejudiced advice, such as pet rats attracting other rats from sewers?  this is absolutely not true.  guinea pigs and rats will probably both have some amount of odor associated with them, but i know from experience that rats are very clean animals and very sociable as well.  they love interacting with their humans and are no more prone to disease than any other rodent (although i've heard female rats are very prone to tumors).  rats make fantastic pets, so don't rule them out based on the rat-bashing you've heard here!

  15. guinea pig are cute and make cute sounds

  16. Well....I having a guinea pig is very cool and also they know how to keep themselves clean. Rats on the other hand or nice pets but attract other rats from sewers and can because your home to be rich of if u would like a rat and about 2+ more from the sewer....than have that.....and if u wan't something that really doent make messes and are real cute, guinea pig is your future

  17. idk there both really cute

  18. guinea pig deff.

  19. Guinea Pig.

    Rats are more inclinded to runaway or escape as well as bite you.

    Guinea pifs are like a mini fat dog b/c they will hang out with you and just waddle wherever and they have a much harder time escaping and if they do its way easier to find them than rats who are good scavengers good at hiding and grand escape artist

    i had a pet mouse but it was big so we thought it might have been a rat but anways he bit me alot and tried often to escape one time his brother did and we had to unfrotunetly kill him with traps

    i had a guinea and he was sweet i love to keep him in the grass and let him roam as well as roam on my back  

  20. get a guinea pig  

  21. Both

  22. It really depends on what you can provide.

    If you choose rats, PLEASE do not get only one. They need another rat companion. You will need to get at least two. =)

    Both of them will need a good deal of space. One rat requires two square feet of space, and since you will want to get two, that is four square feet of space. But the bigger the better, for both species.

    Rats can end up requiring a lot of vet care, and that may get expensive. They are prone to tumors.

    I haven't owned Guinea pigs, so I don't know much about them. I think rats are more sociable and not as skittish as pigs can be. I am not sure how much vet care a guinea pig would require, but a search from google or wikipedia can answer that.

    Good luck with choosing. =) I know that are both good and fun pets.  

  23. guinea pig rats carry gems and stuff

  24. I think a rat because i have one. Don't get a boy because they smell bad.

  25. wow. rat

    are you serious  

  26. Plz go for the pig.

  27. get a rat =) a friend of mine had several of them when she was younger. they are very clean and if you handle them regularly they are very sweet. Plus, they dont get as large as guinea pigs, and from the amount that i've handled either pet, i've noticed that rats are much more social

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