
Should i get a privet pilot licence before going to an aviation college?

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Should i get a privet pilot licence before going to an aviation college?




  1. In my research most college programs do require you to have a Private License before you start the program.  However not all do so I would choose a school and then find out what they require.

  2. I would recommend you at least get a private.  If not that is how a lot of these schools end up raping you.  You end up paying topunchh holes in the sky.  Some colleges also make you get a certain number of ratings not counting your private to graduate.

  3. Yes.  And a dictionary.

  4. Well it depends on the school and your future career plans.  I am going to assume that you are 18 or so and heading into college now - since you did not provided any details in your question.

    If your going to be in a flight trainging program (heading towards an airline career) it might be best to start your training at the school.  The reason is you learn there program there procedures there rules.  You do not have to waste time with them breaking you of any bad habits (not necessarily bad habits), but ways you were taught to do something that they do not like or agree with.  (Everyone has opinions)  

    As I started this answer it depends on the school - some do not want to see you unless you have a private license.  

    If you career goals are in airport operation or airport management then I would consider getting my license before starting school.

    * So again, what is your long term goal?

    * What does the school preffer?

    Now if your 16 and have a couple of years before you head off to college then yes - get your license and build hours.  You could go into college with the requirements to begin instrument training right away.

  5. While it can give you a head start, many aviation colleges and universities such as Embry-Riddle evaluate incoming students who already have a private license and in many cases require quite a bit of remedial training. Also, (speaking of the USA), unless you get your private license and other training with a  "Part 141" certified flight school before you go to an aviation college, you will be stuck having to complete all of your other ratings under "Part 61" of the regulations, which means that you need a minimum of 250 hours to receive a commercial license instead of the 200 hours allowed under Part 141. In the whole scheme of things, 50 hours isn't much, but it will cost you at least an additional $5,000 if not more, depending on what aircraft you will be flying and the cost per hour.

  6. if you are still in high school then yes, but you should not delay going to college just to get your private certificate.  

  7. yes that would be a smart choice

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