
Should i get a security system and what kind should i get?

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I'm home from college for the summer. Today I got up to bring the dogs in and let them out ten minutes later because they couldn't make up their minds. i went back upstairs and tried to fall back asleep when i realized there were two people in the house i didn't know and i was home alone. i heard a distant voice ask "did you find anything yet" and a voice RIGHT OUTSIDE MY BEDROOM DOOR reply "no. there's a bunch of junk up here" (our house has been cluttered pretty heavily since we went through major remodeling) and i realized they were thieves. i pulled the covers up and pretended to be asleep because i thought if they discovered someone was home, they'd be less likely to shoot a sleeping person. a minute later i heard someone ope my bedroom door, gasp, then run down the stairs.

i was so scared i waited until i didn't hear any noise, called mom's cell, then called 911 and locked the door because I didn't hear the door slamming. the 911 operator was pretty snarky and asked me if maybe i just heard the television and didn't seem to understand why i wouldn't leave my bedroom, but he sent a cop. apparently the thieves either did;t see anything they liked or were looking for something specific, because they didn't take anything. the only door i locked was the one i'd let the dogs out with less than ten minutes ago. i didn't think the lock would've been a deterrent, tho, since it's a french door.

this is the third time we've been robbed in this house, but it's the first time someone's actually entered our home, and in broad daylight. our generator was stolen from our garage a year ago while we were home, and someone broke into our elderly neighbors house to steal his passport.

so my question is, should i get a security system? my brother's twelve, and he could just have easily been in this situation. we leave him alone during school breaks all the time. our house is in the lowest crime rate area of town. there's an old neighbor who's home all day and one of other neighbors has actually prevented someone from stealing our car. there's neighborhood watch signs all over our street. but i don't think our neighbors would have thought these people were thieves because they sounded like the rednecky people who work on power lines near our neighborhood, or do pest control, or clean houses on our street.

i want my parents to get a security system so my brother can be safe when they leave him alone, but they're hesitant to have security cameras watch us all the time. they also had a security system in another house, but it went off all the time for no reason, except maybe the wind was blowing too hard.

so my question is, is it worth having a security system? and if so, what should i get that won't be too sensitive or be a vast invasion of my family's privacy? Sorry my question's so long, but i wanted to provide some background to our robbery risk.




  1. Whenever someone listens about security system, he must think first the reason for getting security alarms. The answer is so simple as to make you safe from any burglary, security alarms is acquired. There may be chances to come a burglar into the home he can’t stay for long time there as the security system informs residents about the presence of someone. There are different types of devices that are used for security reasons like contacts on doors, windows and sensors. This is the best way considered that we placed sensors on the exterior contacts whenever any movement found, the sensors alert about it. Glass break sensors are also used for the security reasons. There are most of the sensors have the quality to know about the breaking of anything.

    Security alarms are used in different places of our daily routines like hospitals, police stations, schools etc. And the most important place where security alarms used is home to make it safe from burglary. We are also providing services in the field of security alarms systems. So whenever you need to get reliable security alarm system, then come to us and see how we are going to facilitate people. Our all security alarm products give you maximum facility in order to be safe from burglary. After getting services from our company, you’ll fee our service is the best from all security alarms providers.

    In business, security alarm systems also have great benefit as they make sure about the safety of business material, it can be asset or other documents. In sensitive offices like investigation cell, police station and jail, security systems are used to make sure that none escape from the custody. When you buy a security alarm system, we’ll also guide you about its operating. So never be worried about how to know the operating of security alarms system. There are great number of security alarms makes people secure from security matters....

    Motion detectors are not considered primary security alarm systems as they never tell you about the members that are present in the home already. In security alarm system telephone lines are used to transfer signals from one place to another. So it becomes very good network to provide you good quality security services.

    Now day’s security alarm systems are also used in the cars to make sure the car is safe. In developed countries, satellite systems are available to make the car safety confirmed. If you need to get information about security alarm system, you can read reviews about the brands and this is how you can be familiar with the companies that are available in the market. Review is good from shopping point of view as it makes you aware with all the qualities and other factors that it may have. So make your routine that you have to look on some reviews before purchasing something. It can create easiness for selecting something that it will be useful for you or not. If you are going to buy security alarm system, then the factors that count the quality of product is durability, efficiency, accuracy etc....

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