
Should i get a traction pad for my surfboard?

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i have a 6 foot 4 ashton fun nose board with a swallow tail. im debating wether to get a traction pad or not. im afraid if i put one on and it doesnt work out, i may not be able to take it off.

any advise?




  1. Traction is not needed.  Some people prefer it since they can feel where their backfoot is placed.  It also helps prevent pressure dings on your tail.  If you decide to go with traction, make sure to clean the tail area extremely well before sticking it on.  Nothing is more annoying than traction that peels off after a month or so.

  2. i would get one if i were u because sometimes u tend to slip off the back if u dont like it u can peel it off and rub it off with some acetone and a rag

    i dont think u wont like it tho because they really help with ur steering

  3. Well you can always take it off. But ill go ahead and tell you it will take some getting use to. But you should try it. once i got use to my first one it did help and saves time when it comes to havving to wax your board

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