
Should i get a turtle or a frog??

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Should i get a turtle or a frog??




  1. Turtle.  They live for a very long time and are really low maintenance.

  2. As a person who has owned both turtles and frogs I'd say to go with the frogs. Turtles, contrary to what people are saying, are very messy and smelly, and thay need alot more space than 40 gallons.

    Frogs on the other hand are VERY low maintenence, again contrary to what people are saying they will not jump all over, etc... That is if you get the right kind. Theres ones like the pacman frog, that live for a very long time. And the African Clawed Frog(regular and albino), that are strictly aquatic and can live with fish as opposed to eating them. I have 3 of these guys in my Koi and Goldfish aquarium(75 Gal) right now.

  3. Turtle! They're my favorite animal.

  4. I say a turtle. Frogs are really boring. So are turtles. I think you should get a hamster or a dog.

  5. Turtles. Four of them, and name them after famous artists of the Renaissance .

  6. definitely a turtle


  8. get a tortoise.....they live waaaay longer and are easy to take care of

  9. turtle- frogs are more likely to escape and have require alot of care and study.

  10. If you believe in Chinese Feng Shui, turtle is bad luck because it's sluggish.  Frog is one the lucky pets Chinese considers.

  11. frogs are more cuddly

  12. turtle - definitely - you cant tippex your name on a frog!

  13. frogs

    red erared sliders are $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    I know mine are 36 yrs old!!!

  14. its actually your choice, but a turtle is very easy to take care of, all you need to do is feed it, change its water every couple of days (it depends), and maybe play with it sometime. frogs, they tend to jump a lot and somtimes escape, or hide behind things..and they can be a bit noisy sometimes xD but they are both really cute.

  15. turtle!!!!


  16. I say a turtle.

    I have a semi aquatic turtle and they're a joy to have.

    They require some care and maintenace but if you can put in that effort, they are amazing.

  17. i go for turtles.....

  18. only you will know for sure...but you can't get very attached to a frog....but you can to a turtle.

    Turtles are very funny creatures...have personalities of their own....and are very fun to watch and take care of.

    Can't see anything fun about a frog.

  19. get one of those little turles. small turtles are the cutest. fros are adorable, but they jump around a lot and hide behind things. also, the oil on your hands harm frogs so you have to be careful. good luck!!! (:

  20. There are ups and downs to both. A frog would probably be cheaper. With a turtle, you need a 40 gallon tank and a place for them to surface and such other things. I think a turtle would be cooler myself, because they are just BA. Do some research and see what fits your lifestyle, and see how much time and effort are needed for each, and think about how much you are willing to put into it.

  21. A turtle

  22. Certainly NOT a turtle. A tortoise is better. Turtles do NOT have legs. Only flippers and are certainly out of their environment when on land, other than when the females are laying eggs, and I am sure you have seen some docos covering that. A tortoise has real legs, not flippers/paddles and claws, and is competent on land. I had one when I was young ( god that is a long time ago). If you need to you can tether them by drilling a small hole in their shell (carapice ? ) and threading a cord through it. Their shell overlaps their "body" considerably, so you won't cause it any discomfort. People probably suffer more pain from body piercings and tattoos.

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