
Should i get a turtle?

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i want to get a turtle but i don't know becuase i heard that they have salmonela but i heard that news a long time ago but i don't know if they still have it or something and if i do get a turtle what type should i get?




  1. i used to have a red eared slider i believe it was called and i never had any problems with it. but yes there is something that all reptiles including turtles may have so whenever you handle it just wash your hands before and after.

  2. get one

  3. i think you should be cause turtles aren't aggressive and are easy to handle. but when you get it check for signs of disease or infections, some times pet stores don't take good care of them

  4. Salmonella isn't extreamly dangerous. I handle my urtle all the time! you just have to use some Anti-Bacterial lotion or soap and water. You have a better chance of getting salmonella from eating not well cooked chicken than a turtle/tortoise.

  5. Turtles are so easy to take care of they are fun to play with and let crawl around on the floor (i have had 12 turtles before and now have 5) i love them there really neat its fun making new designs in the tank. there just an easy animal to take care of i recommend that you get a turtle there awesome pets. oh and the chance of you getting salmonella poisoning from a turtle are about 1 in a billion your more likely to get it from undercooked food. as long as you wash your hands.

    Good Luck  

    - ...::*::...

  6. huh i hate that salmonela stuff now there sying tomatos have it god every reptial does right? u wount get it as long as u remember to keep the tank and the turtle clean and remember to wash ur hands everytime u handle it or the tank :p  

    okedoky then  u should deffinatly get a painted turtle red eared slider turtles r kool 2 but my friend has to and there not really... idk i know turtles arnt supposed to be active but paintedturtles definatly have awsome personalities :p  i hear there smaller species but they get the same size asa normal turtle if u need ny info on painted turtles u can email me at i have 2 there babys AWWWWWWWWW

    hope i sorta kinda helped

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