
Should i get an Irish blue staff if i have kids?? if not what would u recommend??

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Should i get an Irish blue staff if i have kids?? if not what would u recommend??




  1. Do you know anything about the breed?

    The "Irish" Staffordshire Terrier only varies by size from the American Staffordshire Terrier. The colors are irrelevant.

    There is certainly nothing wrong with having the breed when you have children, but you need to research the breed to make sure that you can provide a comfortable living area for the dog.


  2. I think you mean Irish Staffordshire Bull Terrier.  

    Sure, if it's from a resopnsible breeder who does all the proper showing/working and health testing on the parents.

    And if they've properly socialized the pups.

    And if you can put the training into them.

    And if you can train your kids appropriately.

    And if you know how to handle a dog like this.  

    And you've really really read up on the breed - from proper sources.

  3. Well staffies are good with children i have a neice and nephew and my staffie loves them to peices you shouldn't ask people for there opioin you should do what you want to do not what people advice you so do some reasearch but do what you think you should do not what people tell you Good luck with the Research and the dog if you get one :D x

  4. Try a Labrador or a Golden retriever. They are the best dogs with kids.

  5. I recommend doing more research on which breeds are best to raise with children.

  6. Beautiful dogs!

    I would suggest looking up some information before adopting...

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