
Should i get an apartment or dorm?

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I have Modertate Tourettes Syndrome ( i make noises, like cough and scream) and i don't know which would be a better living condition for someone like me. I don't want a single room b/c i know me and i know i'll be miserable alone so it's down to a double but i don't know if i want one in a dorm or in an apartment. If i live in the dorm it'll be better for me to socialize and i am a transfer and know nobody but i'm afraid b/c the walls are so thin and people may get upset by my tourettes or vice versa. If i go into an apartment i'll meet less people but i could get a single and triple or too double's so i'm not alone but i still am in a way am, and the walls are thicker. I really don't know which to choose b/c socialization is a big part for me. Will i miss something if i never dorm? Please help and take my tourettes into consideration. Thanks.




  1. I would recommend a dorm if you would be miserable on your own.  It's a really great way to meet people and feel involved in campus life.  If you are really outgoing and have no problem meeting people or getting involved, then you would probably be ok off campus, but it will take some extra effort to connect to all the happenings.

    If you do opt for rez, talk to your RA about your Tourette's.  Residence is a pretty crazy place and even with your tic you would still fit right in.  If you feel comfortable, you could even talk to your floormates.  University has a lot of "first time" experiences for most people, which means that in September most people are coming onto campus for the first time with a wide open mind expecting to meet all kinds of people!!  

    Keep in mind that people probably do far more unusual things under the influence of alcohol, which is often plentiful on campus.  I doubt that people would be upset by coughing or occasional screaming when it is VERY common for people to be blasting loud music (or even doing "other things") very loudly!!  If someone wants complete quiet all the time, that's what quiet floors and libraries are for.

    Most websites should have the contact information for the campus housing office.  It might be worthwhile for you to sit down and talk to a residence manager at your school or take a tour before you decide.  This should give you a good feel for whether you will feel comfortable there.

    Good luck!

  2. Hi,

    I would try the dorm first.  They are known to be somewhat noisy, so your Turret's probably won't be as intrusive to others as you might think.

    If you take an apartment, it would probably be more difficult, especially if another tenant starts complaining, and wants you evicted.  At least, in the dorm situation, there would be room for discussion or the possibility of relocation to a different wing or floor.

    I spent my first year in a dorm and saw everything, including a guy from Africa who took showers fully clothed.  Enjoy yourself and be yourself and I will bet you will make some cool friends who will offer you support and good times.  If it doesn't work out then you can move to an apt. setting.  Don't isolate yourself due to FEAR (false education assumed real).  You sound like a great person, so go for it.  College might be one of the best times of your life ever, please don't waste it worrying.

  3. i think most people wouldn't mind it; i wouldn't. and if you think a dorm would be better for socializing, then go for it


  4. Dorm life: great for socialization.. right on campus.. you can leave for class 5 minutes before time and still get there on time.. with apt life.. you get caught in traffic.. trains, etc. Dorms are pretty loud.. you would be amazed.. I live in an apt and my walls are VERY thin. I can hear EVERYTHING my neighbors do so apt life doesn't mean it will be quiet. My apt is pretty loud.. You miss out on a lot of things NOT living on campus.. Also on campus , you pay at start of term, that's it.. no monthly rent, no utilities, no food to buy, no cable to pay, no internet fees, etc.. My bills change monthly and I NEVER know how much to allow for them.

    Dorms always have a way that you can change dorms, rooms, roommates, etc.. and most people are not going to get upset at your coughing, etc.. between showers, toilets flushing, music blasting, elevators, doors slamming, etc.. chances are nobody will even hear you.. Gl on your decision

  5. I would live in an apartment.  Find a roommate who is also from the same school.  Move into a 2 bedroom apartment.

    Your classmates could make fun of you if they hear the noises in the dorm.  Plus, you'll probably have to live in the same room with a roommate.  Find an apartment building with good insulation.  If it is a concrete structure, even better.

    Exception: Does the campus allow for special housing situations?  Maybe you can get a single dormroom but still stay in a dorm with other students.

    By the way, have you seen someone about getting medication?  Many Tourette's Syndrome patients do a lot better if they receive medication.  Symptoms could go away completely as long as you are on the medication.

  6. Like you said, living in a dorm will get you that social experience, plus it's more affordable than an apartment, and right on campus. With apartments you have to pay utilities and such as well.

    If it's your first year away, I suggest a dorm. As for being worried about the walls, it really depends on how loud you are/ how thin the walls are. My dorm last year had cement walls, and you rarely heard your neighbors. but you could hear everything if you went into the hallway.

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