
Should i get an xbox 360 for my birth day?

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and how much would an used 360 cost and what are some good games for it i like naruto and first person shooters




  1. right now there are still some problems with the 360, mainly on the live server if you plan on playing on xbox live.

    As for shooter games...

    Call of Duty 4

    Rainbow Six Vegas

    Better games are coming out later on in 2008 such as:

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2

    End War

    Star Wars Force Unleashed

    Army of Two

  2. I don't think you should get a 360 because I heard that if a red ligts appears on the 360 it'll stop working... I think you should get a PS3 it's alot more better. But if you get a 360 MAKE SURE YOU GET HALO 3!!!!!!!!

  3. halo games.

  4. You have the wrong category for this type of question my friend..this is the category for yahoo 360 blog questions.. this belongs in the games and recreation category.Try posting it there and I believe you will receive a lot more and better answers than in this category.

  5. Easy...NO! Get a wii!!! THey are fun!

  6. halo 3........ call of duty depends i say check ebay great prices

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